Chapter Sixteen

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"Harry, can you get James from school today?" Ginny called, lying on the couch, one hand over her stomach, the home phone in her other.

"Sure- are you okay?" Harry asked, concern lacing his words.

"I'm not feeling well, but I'll be okay," Ginny glanced down at Snuffles who had placed his head on her stomach and was looking up at her with big brown eyes. He had been right on her heels for the past week or so.

"Okay, well I'll be home soon with James, and then I will take the boys out tonight so that you can rest and feel better," Harry told her, and she smiled weakly.

"Thank you. I'll see you when you get home, love you."

"I love you too. Bye," Harry hung up the phone and Ginny set it back in its charging holster. Her mum had called earlier and asked if she could take Albus for the day to do some baking since she was home alone.

Without even realizing how tired she was, Ginny rolled on to her side, clutching a pillow to her stomach, and allowed her drooping eyelids to fully shut, and she slipped into a heavy slumber.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Harry opened the door, setting his keys on the counter. James came bounding up the two steps that lead in from the garage, and carefully hung his bag on the hooks­­­­.

"Ginny!" Harry called, setting his own satchel down and hanging his cloak, flecked with melted December snowflakes, on the hooks next to the door.

"Let's go find mummy," Harry said to James, and James grinned with a nod.

He slid off his wet shoes and padded into the living room, his stocking-clad feet making a soft noise.

Harry smiled when he saw his wife sleeping peacefully on the couch. James, on the other hand, ran and leapt on top of her.

Ginny shot up, limbs flailing until they made contact with something. Eyes wide in terror, she realized that she had kicked James in the back of the head.

Even as guilt filled her, Ginny's heart was still racing with fear after having been jerked awake so suddenly.

James began to wail, and both Harry and Ginny raced to his side.

"I'm so sorry James," Ginny cried, wrapping her arms around him.

"Go away mummy! You hurt me!" James shrieked, leaning in towards Harry who had summoned a bag of ice and was now holding to his son's head.

Hurt, Ginny stood up and raced up the stairs before either of them could see her tears. From upstairs, she could hear Harry comforting James, and the crying stop. Soon, she heard two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs, and Harry was in the doorframe, James hiding tentatively behind his legs.

"James has something he wants to say to you," Harry told her, and Ginny quickly wiped her tear-streaked face, thankful that she hadn't put any makeup on that morning.

"I'm sorry mummy," James walked over, climbing on to the bed and wrapping his arms around Ginny. "I'm okay, and I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"It's alright James, I'm sorry I kicked you. You just scared me," Ginny responded with a gentle smile to let her son know that it was alright.

"I know. Daddy told me," James bowed his head a bit in sadness before looking up at his mum with big eyes. "I love you mummy."

"I love you too James," Ginny ruffled his hair and planted a light kiss on his forehead. "You can go play in your room now."

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