Chapter Twenty Two

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"We have Kingsley. Now, 'The Boy Who Lived', surrender yourself or say goodbye to those sleeping boys and wife of yours forever. By the way, nice quidditch socks. Be careful not to burn the tea"

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Harry bounded up the stairs, taking them three at a time. Without even caring about waking the boys, he burst into James' room, where Teddy was also sleeping.

"Daddy?" James asked groggily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"What's wrong Uncle Harry?" Teddy asked, sitting up as well. His hair had been it's natural turquoise color while he was asleep, but now was taking on a deep purple hue as it did when he was frightened.

"I need you boys to come with me," Harry said. He felt bad for scaring the boys, but there was no time to waste by explaining everything.

Quickly, Teddy and James clambered out of bed and stuck very close to Harry's side as he went and woke Albus up and carried him in one arm as he raced to get Ginny.

"Ginny!" Harry cried when he saw the empty bed. He felt his heart drop into his stomach and the blood rush out of his face.

"Ginny!" He yelled again, more panic in his voice this time.

"Harry, what on earth?" Ginny asked, opening the bathroom door. She had just had to use the bathroom when Harry had burst into the bedroom, calling for her. From downstairs, Snuffles started howling.

"Take the boys, and go to the safe spot," Harry breathed, racing to her side. He cupped her face in his hands, and leaned his forehead against hers. "I don't have time to explain, but please trust me. I love you."

"Harry, you're scaring me," she whimpered.

"Just take the boys, and I will explain later. Please Gin, hurry," he cried, tears threatening to spill down his face.

"Okay. Okay," she said, snapping out of the fear induced trance that she had been in. "Boys, we're going to go have a slumber party somewhere else, does that sound fun?"

"What's going on Aunt Ginny?" Teddy asked. The nine year old didn't know what was going on, but he could feel the fear radiating from his aunt and uncle.

"Teddy," Harry said, kneeling down in front of his godson. "I will explain later, but right now, I need you to be strong. Keep Ginny, James and Albus safe for me okay?"

"You're not coming with us daddy?" James asked, confusion furrowing his brows.

"I'm afraid I can't buddy," Harry said. "I have to go help out Mr. Kingsley."

James' face relaxed a bit. He knew Mr. Kingsley and he liked the man. He would always bring them candies and sweets whenever he would visit.

"Be safe, and I love you," Harry said, extending his arms so he could hug all three of the boys. Standing up, Harry turned to Ginny.

"I will come get you later, when it's safe. I promise," Harry said, placing his hand on Ginny's cheek and brushing away her tears for the second time that night. "I love you."

"I love you too. Please be safe. Come home to us," Ginny whispered, leaning into Harry's hand and putting her own on top of his, holding it in place.

"I will."

And with that, Harry threw some of their Safe Place Floo Powder into the fireplace, and bustled Ginny and the boys through, careful not to say the name of the location in case the house was bugged. The Floo Powder had been charmed to know exactly which fireplace to lead to, so that in situations like this, everything would be safe.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered, looking up at the ceiling. Without second thoughts, he sealed the Floo network, making sure nobody could get in to places they weren't supposed to be.

Unfortunately, it also meant that they couldn't get out.

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As soon as Harry stepped outside on the patio, the owl swooped down and dropped another note. Picking it up from where it landed at his feet, Harry read the note.

Go behind the Dragon's Breath Bar. Tell anyone where you're going, and your family will suffer. You have five minutes.

Harry quickly drew his wand from his pocket, careful to mind the spare wand just in case they made him surrender his. He didn't know who was behind this, but they had been smart enough to place a no tracing charm on the letter, so he couldn't figure it out.

Taking a deep breath, he hurried to the apparition point in the backyard.

"Dragon's Breath Bar," he said, waving his wand, bracing himself for the peculiar feel of apparating.

Unsurprisingly, when he landed, the bar was completely empty. He had never been to the bar, but he couldn't imagine that a place called 'Dragon's Breath' would be very popular. However, unsure of how busy the bar was normally at this time, Harry was feeling a bit uneasy about how desolate the area was.

Cautiously, he quietly walked around the building, sticking close to the wall in case he had to unexpectedly dodge curses that came flying at him.

He heard voices coming from around the next corner, and he braced himself against the brick wall.

Then, taking a deep breath, he stepped out of the shadows.

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