Chapter 1

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*I'm here with a new story guys! Read it and love it😂 okay but enjoy the first chapter. Love you guys!💖*


~Okay, don't talk Shit, don't get an attitude, be quiet... The years almost over... 2 months until my last year. I can do this! Now, breath!~

*Inhale, Exhale*

"Let's get this day over with."

I quickly grabbed my phone and bag and climb out my Jeep. The chilly Spring Air hits my face and runs chills down my back. I move briskly to the school doors and make my way inside hell.

Amelia's car

Landmark High School, the best place to be judged, deal drugs, and of course get pregnant

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Landmark High School, the best place to be judged, deal drugs, and of course get pregnant. A place of creativity and cruel physical Ed classes. Moving down the hall, I make my way to my locker where I meet my two best friends everyday. I punch in my combination and pull open my locker.

"Hey Elia!"

Maddie, my best friend since the 5th grade. We met when she picked me up after Aiden and his goon squad pushed me. She stood up for me and we've been friends since then. She's on the School drama team and is actually very good at it.

"Hey Madds," I smile. "How was your weekend?"

"Shitty," she groans. "I was grounded all weekend."

I laugh. "For?"


"She snuck out the house Thursday night to stay at Randy's."

Johnny, my number one best friend since birth. We've been connected at the hip forever. He knows me like the back of his hand, which means he knows how bad my attitude can be. Now, him and Maddie fight a lot but still love each other. Johnny's on the football team and is one of the All-Star players. But, he's not the number one.

"That is not true!," Maddie defensively says.

I laugh. "Okay Madd's."

Turning around, I fill my bag with stuff for my first three classes of the day.

"Hey babe."

Mark, my boyfriend. We've been dating for a year and 4 months now. He's on the football team with Johnny, he's just not very good if I'm being honest. Mark is very sweet and I love him; however, my parents and friends don't like him. And I don't understand why.

"Hey," I smile as I walk up to him to give him a hug.

He dodges my hug and holds his hands up to keep me from moving. "Sorry babe, new shirt and I can't have make up all on it."

"Oh okay," I say.

~That's probably why...~

"Wassup Johnny," he says. "Hey Madd's."

They look at him.

"Hey dude," Johnny says.

"Its Maddie for you," Madd's says.

"Uhh, okay," Mark says. "Well I gotta go babe."

"Okay," I say leaning in for a hug.

"Ah, the shirt," he smiles.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," I say shyly. "Well, I love you."

"You too," he says walking away.

Both Maddie and Johnny sigh loudly.

"Finally, that asshat is gone," Maddie says.

"Why do you date that douche?," John asks. "You deserve so much better. If you would loosen up a bit you could have someone better. Try talkin back more."

I sigh. ~Here we go again...~

"Guy's, he's a good guy," I say. "We're just not spending much time together."

"Yeah okay," Madd's says. "Same excuse as always."

I slam my locker closed and pull on my bookbag.

"I already have to hear this Shit at home," I say. "I expect more from you guys."

With that, I storm off to my first. Without another word. ~They just don't understand... What kind of friends are they! Uggh!!~

*I hope you enjoyed chapter one! Go check out my other stories! Love you guys! ByeBye!💖*

*I hope you enjoyed chapter one! Go check out my other stories! Love you guys! ByeBye!💖*

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