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(Y/N)'s pov

It's not even been a day in here and i already had enough of this! Some crazy bitch just mocked me!

I had lost interest to go outside, no... More like i was afraid to go out for now.... I do not want stumble into someone else like that.

I went back to my prison cell......... No, more like the safest heaven this hell has to offer would be my cell room. and put up a latch, i immediately calmed down, having locked the door from inside, i knew no one would come get me, especially that girl from earlier on...................... Bitch!

For some reason, I'm not really bothered by thoughts about home anymore, maybe because i'm currently more concerned about myself.

It was kinda hot in the cell, so I turned on the fan, gentle breeze started to fill the room as i laid down on the bed. I was just staring at the ceiling, it was comfortable......... I felt comfortable, it felt like all the worries were brushing away, maybe because the bed was comfy and my cell had good air conditioning , maybe because i was finally left alone ,or maybe I'm just going crazy for being comfortable even on this shitty situation.... Whatever it is, i don't mind.

I slowly started to drift to sleep.


I'm walking on a grass land, is this....... Yeah, this is the park i used to go on weekends since i was little, this grass land would be my favourite place, i would sit here and eat snacks.

As i continue walking, i realize someone is holding my hand and walking by my side, i lift my head to see who, oh, its dad, i'm not surprised, he was the one would usually take me to parks anyway. Dad looked young, like a college guy, like how he used to look when i was very young.

We sit down on the soft grass land as he sits beside.

I just went on eating my snack, until he spoke.

Dad: Hey (Y/N)...
(Y/N): Hmm...?
I look at him, while he was just smiling.

Dad: What do you dream to be?
(Y/N): Hmm...... I don't know.... 
He looked shocked, but still smiling
Dad: A young kid like you should have lots of dreams, right?
(Y/N): but i don't....... What to dream about.....
Dad: well, its alright! Take your time.
He said in a happy tone. I look at him happy
(Y/N): Thank you dad! You're the best!
Dad: Hoho really? Then come here and give me a hug!
He spread his arms ,inviting me for a hug.

I ran up to him and jumped at his arms and tackled him. But when he hit the floor, i heard a loud thud, like he fell on a hard floor, the next thing i notice is i'm on top of him, in our house, a knife stabbed deep into him, blood flowing out...... And me holding the knife handle.

He looked at me and gave me a sad look before the lifelessness  flooded his eyes.

I rolled away from his corpse! D-dad......... No..... Why did i..... I look up to see my!

She was standing their..... Grinning

I grabbed the knife ,and lunged at her.

I felt something hit the back of my body and i woke up.

I was still in my prison cell and i seemed to have rolled out of the bed. I sat up, panting, sweating and tears rolling down my eyes. I tried wiping away the tears, but they just wouldn't stop. I glanced at the clock and it was 6:00pm.

Someone banged on the door, making me jump, as I calmed down ,I made my way towards the door. I reached my hand out to open it.

Before I could reach, a voice of the supposed person outside, cut through my head.
Oh no.........!

I pulled back my arm, something tells me she isn't in a good mood! Maybe she'll go back after a while...... Right?

Boy was I so wrong! The banging only got louder.

Knowing her, I didn't wanna take the chance. I pushed my hand forward and hesitantly opened the door. As i opened it, i saw her...... Aria, but she looked pissed, clenching her fists.
I swallowed a lump down my throat and spoke up.

"Uhh.... M....may..... I......h-help you?"

She kicked me in the gut, as I went rolling back. Before I got up she came and kicked me again and again and again.

She lifted me by the collar. And glared at me. I heard her mumble "damn it ashely" and threw me on the bed.

She got on top and grabbed my hair, i had tears rolling down my eyes.
"Wh-why are you d-doing ...this...?" i felt a force on my face, she had slapped me.

She came to my face, before i could even think of what she was about to do, she pressed her lips against mine.

I tried to resist by tightly closing my mouth, she grunted and punched me in the gut, i gasped in pain , using this as an opportunity she entered my mouth.

Once she found my tongue ,she bit it hard, causing it to lightly bleed.
She pulled back from the kiss and cupped her cheeks while gasping.
"Ahh~ you taste so good with blood~"
She was blushing too.
She raised her hand and clenched her fists.
"Its not enough!"
She punched me again, this time harder than ever, I could taste a sour metal in my mouth, is that...... Blood?
My mouth was covered in blood.
Her blush increased.
"Ahh~ so much treat! Only for me!" she said as her blush increased ,and kissed me again, i could feel her running her tongue all over my mouth licking off the blood.

I was about to pass out, but i was too afraid to do so.
Suddenly she went flying to the other side, i looked up to see who, and it was satsuri! She had kicked Aria,knocking her out cold, Boy am I glad she is here.

I was starting to pass out, as I felt her carry me in bridal style, maybe she was taking me to her cabin in third floor like she mentioned.

Anyway I just let myself fall asleep, cause I was now in safe hands, after all she isn't a maniac like Aria..... Right?

Yandere prison x male reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now