Bloody valentine

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Aria's POV

Once again, I felt it. That awful feeling. Like something was being stripped away from me. As I just stood there, watching Chara and (Y/N), unable to do anything. 

She was carrying him, like as if she had every authority to do so. And what's worse.... Was that (Y/N) seemed totally fine with it.

They made their way towards the infirmary, as I continued to stand there.

Sure he seemed embarrassed, but it looked like he was actually comfortable with her. Meanwhile, whenever he speaks with me, there's fear evident in his eyes. Like, just what the fuck makes him get along with a mass murdering bitch, but not me?

Besides, its just been two days since he arrived, yet he's already getting along well with Satsuri, Elena and that bitch. But what about me, the closest person to him?

From day one, I've been the closest to him, both mentally and physically. Yet why does he choose to stay away from me?

Am I that scary?

Why is this so hard to understand?

Why am I even bothered so much by this? I stopped caring about things like these a long time ago.....
Yet here I am, worrying about things like feelings and crap.

Have I changed?

I mean..... The last male inmate, Who was such a pussy that he killed himself because I scared him a bit. When he died, I couldn't give a shit about it.

Sure, I traumatized and drove him to suicide, which makes me indirectly responsible for his death. But I don't take Responsibility's for garbages like him. I'm sure nobody in world would care even if he was alive.

But for some reason......... (Y/N) seems different.

I got so angry when Marie laid her hands on him, I got so jealous when I saw him asleep and nearly cuddling with Elena in backyard, and I got so pissed off about him getting along with Chara. But why though?

It all feels like I just went back to how I was........ Before the nightmares began.

As far as I can see, he's just one of my poor victims that I can't help but hurt. Nothing more, right?

Then why does this feel so different?

Why was I so passionate when bonding with him? Especially the second time.....


Second time......

I see...... So that's the reason.

Despite what I did to him merely hours after arriving here, he still bought my fake apology. Usually when someone gets assaulted like that, they immediately get fully hostile. Yet he... He gave it another try.

He tried to get on my good side....... Even after knowing the type of person I was.

I see............ So that's what separated him from others. Even after hurting him, he still came back to me......

When was the last time someone did?

I can't remember........ I don't think anyone were that kind enough. 



The feeling is so weird, so alien......... Yet so nostalgic.

I can't exactly point out when, but it feels like a very blurry, distant memory..... Back when my nightmares were happier than reality.....

Maybe I've felt this before, but choose to abandon it....... And knowing me, I should have done it for a good cause. Yet why am I encouraging this with (Y/N)?

Yandere prison x male reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now