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"I....... Infatuation?" You repeat after what Alice just said.

It took a while for you to process her words, but when you did, a shiver crawled up your spine.

A part of you has fear blooming in it, and a larger part of you is already making up scenarios. Negative scenarios.

You thought of Alice as a trust worthy friend. So much so that you never even thought of taking any form of hostility.

But now, being pinned to the ground, having her sitting on your chest and looking down at you with a contradicting childish smile, you couldn't say the same anymore.

You feel a bad sense of deja vu, as you think:

'She...... She is just like Aria....' if not, worse. You have been under Aria's mercy before, but this was on a whole another level. Physically and mentally.

Her grip was rigid as iron, unmoving no matter how much you struggled. It was like having your hand soldered to the ground.

Mentally, she seemed almost as twisted as Aria was. After all, she pretended to be your friend, and brought you so far from home. Nobody was gonna know what she would to you.

Also, you felt a sense of betrayal. Cause despite her previously scary appearance, you trusted her. Once again, you felt like you were being betrayed by someone you truste-

"Hmm.... Actually, no" Alice suddenly said.

This time, you could muster some hostility. Not that it mattered, considering she was still sitting on your chest.

"Hmmm...... Actually, I think infatuation may not be the right word after all" only after she said this, did you feel a glint of hope return.

You didn't say anything, and just stayed silent. Waiting for her to finish, and trying not to jinx it.

"Lets see...... Infatuation means temporary toxic affection, right? So I don't think that is quite right in my case...." she hummed innocently, contradicting her wild behaviour earlier on.

'Whatever it is, just let it not be anything similar to what Aria has!' you prey to yourself.

"Lets see.... Uh..... Like, take the 'temporary' part off infatuation, what do you have?" she asked, curiosity coating her luminescent white eyes.

"Uh..... Permanent infatuation?" You answered, hoping that wasn't the case. It's one thing to have a toxic-obsessive-affection, and it's a lot worse for it to last forever.

"Well duh, obviously. But the term 'Infatuation' just feels misfit, you know...." She mumbled to herself.

Thanks to her iron grip, your wrists were going numb, and you noticed it too. A lot of blood flow has been cut off.

"what part of it feels wrong?" You asked, hoping to solve her riddle quickly, and making her let go of you before you lose the feeling of your wrists forever.

"Hmm... Lets see" she hummed as she leaned her chest closer to yours.

She smelled weird...... Like petroleum.

Behind her dress, you catch a glimpse of her breasts. Large, puffy and flawless white, tightly imprisoned under her black bra.

"Ah! I got it!" Alice loudly exclaimed. Too loudly, as she sat back up.

You were left with a little ringing in your ears, but didn't complain too much. After all, it did help you to turn your attention away from breast before she caught you looking.

Yandere prison x male reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now