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"....Lets go...." I said, as Alice's face lit up.

Alice: "Hah! That's the spirit!" she squealed as she practically sprung off the floor and tackled me with a hug.

I had just agreed to something that could probably get me into a lot of trouble.

This could probably even extend my time here in prison if got caught.

Hell Satsuri's gonna be way too disappointed in me if I end up getting caught.

But still...... I wanna do it.

I don't know why, but It feels like Alice wouldn't be as immature to do anything that could possibly end either of us in trouble.

Sure I don't trust her completely, but isn't this a great opportunity to establish that trust between us?

Besides, even if things do go south, Alice has got my back, right?

But sti-

Alice: "You know..." she spoke, taking my attention off my thoughts.
"There is a deeper meaning for this...... Other worldly trip."

"W-what does that mean?" I questioned.

Alice: "Remember when we first met, I said that something about you felt different?" she asked after she peeled off from the hug and stared down at me softly in the eye.

"Yeah..... I d-do." I stuttered, As I felt drawn towards her lucent white eyes.

Alice: "Well, I have one theory why I felt that way. And this trip will confirm it." she said as she cupped my cheek and smiled softly.

Its kinda funny. Coz given the position we are in, I'd usually be a blushing mess. But neither do I feel any sort of heat build up in me, nor do I feel any sort of awkwardness towards her.

Could it be that I'm a lot more comfortable around Alice than I realize?

Whatever it is, I'll pass over it for now. Coz I got few questions to ask.

"And what theory is tha-" "Huuuushh....." she immediately placed a finger over my lip, as she silenced me midway within a breath.

Alice: "Put these on." she said as she tossed me a pair of white and black sneakers out of nowhere.

"Oh! Okay..." I said as while I caught them.

I didn't understand why she wanted me to wear those, but I didn't wanna question in it. As Alice finally got off me, I started putting on the shoes. While I did, I couldn't help but notice the brand name.

"Nike?" I questioned with a raised brow.
"Did you materialize the shoes along with the sign too?"

Alice: "Materialize? I can't do anything like that" she replied with a light frown.

"Then were did you get these.... From?"

Alice: "I didn't GET these from anywhere!" she frowned while giving me a boop again.
"I went out yesterday and brought them for you!"

"O-oh.. Thanks... I guess" As I said that, she grew a mischievous smile over her face.

Alice: "Don't mention, Those weren't my money anyway!"

"Wha.......... " I stopped myself from questioning her again. I didn't wanna come off annoying.

I just sighed and continued tying my shoes. And they are off perfect size too....

As I was done tying, she walked over to me with a smile.

Alice: "Lets get going." she said, gaining a nod from me as she pressed her hand over my chest.

Yandere prison x male reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now