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You slowly open your eyes, Feeling your eyelids that has gone heavy. You slightly groan while throwing an arm over you eyes.

Unlike Waking up frustrated, like you have been frequently doing so from past 2 days, you actually felt like you took a good rest.

You felt very calm and refreshed. Like waking up after a massage session. Your body felt almost as light as a feather.

You stretch your arms, and smile when you hear your spine pop.
After a little while, you fully open your eyes.

You spend some time trying to take in your surroundings, before finally pressing your hand against the grassy ground and sitting yourself up.

Once you do, you feel something slide down you chest and land on your lap.

You look down, to see that it was an arm. When you trace up to see who's, Your eyes widen.

"Aria....?" you questioned in disbelief. It was indeed the One eyed vampire wannabe. She was laying asleep right next to you, while letting out soft inaudible snores.

Feeling of anxiety hits you ,as you immediately starting running your hands over your body, trying to look for any new bite marks or any sort of bleeding wounds.
But to your surprise and relief , All you could see were previously made scars, That were starting to heal.

"Thank god....." you sigh of relief. You were more than happy that you weren't violated.
You slightly lean back and turn to your right, Where Elena was sleeping. She had rolled over to your side, and was deep asleep.
You smile at her, knowing that you took a good rest, thanks to her.
Then you turn to your left, Where Aria was. Your smile disappears as She was sleeping as close to you as anyone could get.

Before you had the chance to get angry at her for not leaving you alone, something caught your attention.

Since she was laying on her side, Her bang that always covered her right eye, was slightly slipping away.

You don't know what came over you, you inched closer to her and got a look at her.

Then, you used your finger to brush her hair off her eyes, Giving you full view of her sleeping face. You slightly gasp, feeling your cheeks go warm.
"She looks.... So cute...." you mutter to yourself.

Then out of nowhere, You let out a sigh.
"If only she wasn't an abusive bitch" You say to yourself before getting off her and standing up on your feet.

Once you stood up, You dusted yourself to get rid of any broken grass sticking to your cloths.
You then took a good look at the backyard and smiled widely.
"I should come here more often" you said to yourself.

(Y/N)'s pov.

I stretch my arms once again before my stomach grumbled.
Oh yeah........ Its afternoon. Gotta get launch.
After taking one last look at Aria, I started making my way to the backdoor.

While on my way, I noticed few things.
The inmates who were here when Me and Elena arrived, weren't anywhere to be spotted.

Sure there were still few inmates here, minding there own businesses. But none of them I could recognise from earlier.
"Guess I slept for at least an hour." I whisper to myself while continuing to walk.

While walking back, I once again got the very much expected stares. Thankfully they were similar to the stares I got earlier while arriving here.
But this time, few people offered me a smile or just waved at me. And I did the same.

At least, not everyone I meet is an asshole.....

Also, now that I notice it. The sun has darted away farther from where it was before I slept.
"Maybe I slept longer than I realize....." I mutter.

Yandere prison x male reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now