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"So, are ya gonna start talkin?" You hear her speak.

Maybe it was because you were so immersed with Alice, and all the fun you were having. But whatever it was, it made you forget about a specific inmate.

And given the position you were in now, you definitely regretted your ignorance.

"Wife?" Aria spoke again, ominousity in her voice.
"That... thing. It referred to itself as your wife, din'it?"

She moved behind you, and placed a hand on your shoulder, before giving it a more than gentle squeeze.

"Tell me... who's that bitch?" She asked.

She may be intimidating you in a strong way, but you couldn't stand what she just called Alice.

Clenching your fists, you turn around with a soft glare. Along the with darkness of the room, your eyes meet her violet one. Though, she still has her right eye covered by her bangs, she kept her anger glistening over the visible one.

From the last time you met her, something had changed in her, you could tell.

But you didn't care.

"First off, her name is Alice. And second, I've got nothing to explain to you" you spat out, fueled with determination to defend your wife.

"Again... again with the 'wife' shit!" She grit her teeth, before grabbing you by the neck.

"Why won't ya answer me!?" She yelled, as she tackled you over the piled up clothes.

"Who is she!? And why. Is she. Calling herself yar WIFE!?" She wailed, her voice dipping into a deeper tone. It almost sent shivers in your gut.

Out of the dim lighting in your cell room, her violet eyes flared with intense loathing. Not to mention her body, feeling so hot, like it was scorching with hate.

You weren't sure if she was gonna let you off with a few punches or kicks this time.

Out of all the time you've spent with her, this was the most uncomfortable one yet.

But you couldn't afford to crumble under her. Because you knew that's exactly what she wanted.

"Who ever Alice is..." you grunt, feeling her fingers meet at the back of your neck.

"It has nothing to do with you!" You yell, crashing your knuckles against her nose.

"Ahh!" She yelps, as she let goes of your neck, to cover her nose. You feel blood rush back to your skull, as you take a deep breath.

However, not wanting to lose momentum, you roll over to your side, tossing her off you.

"Dammit, that was close" you mutter, as you stagger back to feet. Rubbing your neck, you turn around to look at her, but you freeze in terror-

With her hand covering most of her face, her eye, visible between her two fingers pierce onto you. She also had blood trickling down through the gaps between knuckles.

You feel a shift in the room's atmosphere. Never before, have you felt so much anger from someone. And the fact that all the anger was directed towards you, put you on a fighting spot.

'Maybe I went a bit too far... nearly breaking her nose was uncalled for' you wonder, hoping to stop this before it gets anymore messy.

"Listen... you have to calm down" you tell her, trying to sound reasonable.

"I didn't mean to hit you like tha-" 

Yandere prison x male reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now