This is not a bad dream

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Small Heath, Birmingham, 1920...

Darkness consumed me, I didn't know if I was alive, dead, or somewhere in between. The swirling blackness filled my head and I knew nothing else. At first I thought I had fainted from the sight of the blood that dripped from my hand, but this felt different, I felt as if I was Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

"Why aren't the boys back yet? Where are they?" a voice sounded in my head. A voice I didn't recognise. "Ada, I know you and Tommy aren't on speaking terms right now, but Tessa needs a doctor you need to fetch the boys from the Garrison."

Tessa...that was me, they were talking about me. I wanted to reach out and talk to them, I wanted to open my eyes, more or something, but I was locked in my own head. 

Suddenly I felt as if the darkness had dropped away from me like a curtain opening on a stage and I was dropped into sudden lightness. I sat bolt upright from where I was and breathed heavily feeling as if I had been underwater for a long time. 

The world around me was a blurred haze of dark colours I didn't know where I was or who I was and it was only then that I began to take in the events that had just passed. I was in the attic, I was looking at photos and I saw my own face reflected in photos that were taken nearly 100 years ago... I cut my finger and I passed out...that was all I knew. 

"Tessa, oh thank god you are awake." I felt a pair of hands had grab my shoulders and pull me from the abyss I had found myself in. 

As my eyes began to adjust to the room I realised I was no longer in the attic...I wasn't anywhere I recognised at all. At first I maybe thought my dad had found me and brought me down to lay on the sofa...but that hadn't happened at all. I was on a small bed with woollen sheets, in a small, dark room I, once again, didn't recognise.

I looked up from the bed quickly to look at the person who was holding my shoulders, her sullen face the picture of worry. 

She had dark curly hair was plaited down her shoulder and as I continued to look, I noticed she was wearing an old bluish nightdress. 

I quickly backed up away from her, moving my legs from under the covers and backing up into the wall. 

"Tess? Calm down, you are safe now, no need to worry,  I think you hit your head, Tommy and the boys are on their way and we will get a doctor to you."

A mad rush of thoughts were flying through my head. I didn't know why this woman was, where I was or why she was talking to me as if she knew me...had I been kidnapped? 

"What is going on?" I whimpered out pathetically, backing up further into the wall. 

"You hit your head, you were attacked on your way to meet Tommy at the Garrison." The woman was beginning to look as confused as I was now. "Tessa, please calm down!"

"How do you know my name? Where the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you?" I was beginning to panic now as my situation began to sink in, maybe I was in a dream?

"Tess...its Polly? You're at the house? I've known you since you were 4. Christ you must have hit your head harder than we thought..."

She reached up to place a hand on my forehead, but before she could I winced out of the way and moved to the furthest corner of the bed. 

"Polly!" a male voice shouted from downstairs...

"No get away! Let me go!" I screamed. I quickly moved around the woman and stood up and away from her. 

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