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The sun shines brightly and it's rays cut through the sheer white curtains of my white bedroom. I slowly flutter my eyes open, blinking rapidly to adjust to the bright light. I rub my eyes so hard, I was in another dimension. This happens almost everyday because I usually sleep late at night and wake up early then rub my eyes to remove any remnants of sleep.

Being a doctor does that to you, I guess. Even though I own the hospital but that doesn't mean I can sit back and relax. No. The one handling everything has to be more responsible and vigilant.

Removing the sheets, I place my feet on the soft maroon rug enjoying it's warmth and softness for a minute before I finally get up and make my way towards the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth, I strip out of the clothes and turned the shower on. Standing under the shower, I wince as the warm water hit my freshly bruised skin.

I didn't receive my mother's call yesterday because I was busy doing a surgery hence resulting in the three belt marks on my back. Because that's how many times she called.

I am the daughter who never stands up for herself in front of her parents, always endures all the pain silently, and swallow all hurtful remarks.

Why? Because I thought they'd change.

But here I am after twenty more years of my life and it's still the same. Even worse, actually. Being 25 and still living with my parents because they don't allow me to move out. They want me to suffer here all my life. I've tried my best but always fail.

Turning off the shower and drying myself with a towel, I walk out towards my closet. Putting on a pair of dark blue jeans and white shirt, I grab my phone and bag and head downstairs.

"Dad?" I call upon entering the living room.

He looks up from his newspaper and raise a brow at me. 

"I'm leaving for the wedding tonight. I told you, right?" I ask expectantly and he nods. 

Dad and I don't talk much. At all, in fact. That doesn't mean he never insults me or hurt me by his words. He has never loved me but he never raised his hand on me either.

Only mother does for God knows what reason.

I was only six years old when I first got slapped and punched by my mother. I cried a lot that day and have been crying ever since but never in front of them. I used to be close to my brother, too, but he has stopped talking to me after I had turned twelve and went away for college after a couple of years. 

"Right, see you later." I say awkwardly and head out.

I wasn't expecting him to respond anyways. 

Getting in the car, I drive towards the hospital. I have an operation due today and a couple more stuff that needs to be done before I leave for my best friend's wedding.

Anna Giovanni has been my best friend since diapers. So as Nate. I'm so damn lucky to have them in my life.

They've always been here for me, to listen to me, to support me and to look after me. I owe them my life. I am pretty sure I can't survive without the either of them.

Especially Nate.

He's like my oxygen.

Anna moved to Russia with her fiance a year ago so we barely see each other but we talk and face time whenever we both time to spare.

Parking in my designated spot, I step out and walk inside. The receptionist, Jenna, stands up and greets me with a wide smile on her face, as usual.

"Morning to you too, Jenna." I smile and keep waking.

I love it here, I love my staff, my coworkers, everything. And I'm glad that in return, I receive ten times more from them. 

Walking inside my office, I sort some papers out and check a few files of the patient we are going to discharge this week. They seem good to go.

A knock erupts on my door after an hour.
"Come in." I say and see Joshua, my personal assistant, walk inside. 

"Hello ma'am, hope you're doing well today." he greets. 

"Hello Joshua, I'm fine. How are you?" I reply smiling at him.

He's an intern here and will complete his internship after two more months. 

"Me too, ma'am. Here are the reports and details of the patient who has to undergo CABG today." he places the file on my desk and leaves.

I read the file thoroughly before I take out my dark blue scrubs and walk inside the bathroom I have in my office.

I don't wear scrubs in public is the reason I change in the hospital. 

I am nervous, every surgeon is before a surgery.

Washing my hands, I pat them dry with a tissue paper and put on my white medical gloves.

I stalk towards the OT calmly, praying to God that all goes well. Even after being ranked one of the top surgeons in the country, I can't help but feel anxious.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door to see a man, in his mid forties, lying down on the hospital bed. 

"Hey, how are you feeling right now?" I ask softly, smiling at him. 

"I don't know, honestly. I'm scared a little." he admits then chuckles nervously. 

"It's okay, Fred. You're going to be just fine. Take deep breaths and try to relax your mind. I know it's easier said than done but I want you to know that nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to go wrong so be positive." I encourage him and he sighs, following my instructions. 

"Thank you, doctor. You're really kind and supporting." he smiles and I nod.

Let's get started.

My assistant and junior surgeon arrived shortly and the operation began. 

After about three and a half hours, we successfully complete the bypass surgery and I inform his wife and children who are now ecstatic to hear the good news. 

"Thank you so much, doctor. Thank you." They say repeatedly while I politely smile and excuse myself.

I have a flight to catch in three hours!

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