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This chapter is dedicated to Jinjoka
Thank You for your constant support and votes.


There comes a point in life where you think every single thing you have ever achieved is just a waste. That's exactly what I am feeling right now. I know I shouldn't lose hope or think negative but sometimes you get tired of being strong when on the inside all you feel is your heart breaking.

Adam had left for office long ago and I am here sitting in the garden because finally after ages, I had no important stuff to deal with, today.

But what can you expect when you're a doctor? Any time my phone can ring and I'll be needed there in emergency.

I was sipping on my tea when I heard the sound of someone's shoes nearing me. I turned my head just in time to see Nate .

"BABE!" he shouted excitedly and I giggled forgetting all about my worries.

That's what Nate does to you and I can't imagine my life without him.

"I missed you so much! When did you come back?" I jumped in his open arms and he hugged me lifting me off the ground.

"Yesterday." he replied smiling down at me.

"Sit, I'll ask Mrs. Cooper to make you coffee." I said and went inside.

When I came back outside, I saw him sitting there, staring in space.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked startling him.

"Remember when I said I had to tell you something?" he asked nervously and I nodded.

"Yeah, about that. I met this girl an-" he was cut off by my squealing.

"OH MY GOD! Tell me everything!" I shrieked and he looked at me in pure distaste.

"That's exactly what I was doing before you so rudely interrupted me." he huffed and I stifled a laugh.

"So, she's a lawyer and very beautiful too. Very polite and sweet, she reminds me of you." he finished and I smiled at him.

"I would love to meet her." I said and he agreed.

Nate always wanted someone like me, he would go on and on about the things he wants in his partners and always end up describing me. Anne used to make fun of him and they used to get in to petty fights over it.

I don't think I'm much, just plain ole' me. But he thought otherwise.

We chatted for a couple more hours until Zach came over for lunch and we ate together after so long.

"What are your plans for tonight?" Zach asked opening his car door.

"Going to Ivan's place." I sighed.

"Thank you Savannah." he said looking dead in my eyes and I knew exactly what he was thanked me for.

I gave him a nod and we bid our goodbyes.

I came inside and sneezed twice which was followed by a cough.

Grabbing a glass of water, I walked to the living room but halted my steps when I saw Adam entering through the door.

He didn't notice me yet so I made myself known by stepping out and pushing the glass of water forward to him.

He looked puzzled at first then looked at me.

"It's not poisoned." I tried to suppress a smile but failed.

The corners of his lips tilted upwards a little and it took everything in me not to stand on my tip toes and kiss him.

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