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It's been two weeks since I came back from Moscow. The wedding went so great and I bonded with almost every one of Anne and Adrian's friends. Zack and I are still in contact, he's stopped flirting with me knowing his chances are close to zero. 

Things at home have been worse. My mother is giving me the silent treatment and my sister is throwing her mini temper tantrums. Now that I think of it, I am not even sure if they're entitled to those relationships anymore. 

Everything I do is wrong, every single thing. I get punished for my actions even if the consequences, later, are positive for my family. I have no idea about why they treat me so.. differently? I tried asking, finding out myself but all in vain. 

Right now, I'm sitting in my balcony, after a long and tiring day at the hospital, reading a book. The door to my room burst open and in came my sister, crying might I add. 

I immediately rushed towards her and embraced her. This is no time to think about what they did to me.

"What's wrong, Amelia?" I asked and sat her on the edge of my bed.

"We broke up." she hiccuped.

"Who? You had a boyfriend?" I ask in shock. I am not a nun but I didn't know anything about her personal life so this new information definitely came as a shocker.

"Y-es." she sniffed and I handed her a tissue box.

"Okay, look at me. How about this? I go downstairs and bring us some snacks, you can spend the night here with me and we'll watch a movie. Tomorrow, you can go back to hating me." I state and a look of hurt mixed with guilt crosses her eyes.

"I-" she begins to speak but I cut her off.

"I won't tell anyone, ever." I smile sadly. I just want to comfort her is all, I know what it feels like to be left alone.

"Okay." She mumbles. I get up from my place on the wooden  floor and walk in my closet. I throw her a clean pair of pajamas and  climb down the stairs.

Grabbing a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream along with some chips and soda cans, I make my way upstairs quietly.

"Hey." I smile at her. 

"Can I choose?" she asks pointing towards the flat TV screen.

"Of course." I say and settle on the bed next to her, careful to leave some distance between us.

We surfed through Netflix for a while before she selected 'Frozen'. I chuckled at her quietly. I've seen her grow up, she's always been a spoiled, rebel kid yet soft at heart. I don't know what changed over the years though. She's only a year and a couple of months younger than me. I miss my sweet little baby sister. 

Halfway through the movie, she suddenly paused it and I gave her a confusing look. 

"You wanna go back?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I cheated on him, Savannah." she spoke quietly and my eyes widened a fraction.

"He caught us in the bed. I don't really love him but he was really good to me. Even after all these years, I can't bring myself to love this guy. It just got boring I guess. I want adventure." she finishes and looks at me.

"You're sad because?" I frown.

"Because I am scared. I admit I never fell for him but I am scared. What if I don't find someone who loves me enough? What if the one I fall for breaks my heart?" she averts her gaze. I place my hand over hers.

"You're a good person, Amelia. You will definitely find someone who loves you, who deserves you. Do not sweat over it. You just got out of a relationship, give yourself a break. Okay?" I squeeze her hand. 

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