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Cristianos pov

After goals and goals, I decided he would be the first I approached after their practice was over.

There were many parents there and I needed to meet his and know where he learned to play like that. I guess you could say that I was a bit obsessed, but man was this kid talented.

I found him gawking at Gareth bale. I chuckled thinking about his reaction when he saw me. I mean, I am Cristiano Ronaldo after all.

"Hello" I said towards the two, more at the boy than Gareth.

the kid did as I expected and nearly popped his eyes out when he saw me. Gareth simply gave me a nod.

"You're Cristiano Ronaldo" he beamed at me. "You are amazing"

He sounded a bit like Gareth, accent wise.

"Yes I am" I smile at him. "And what's your name?"

" I'm- I'm Nicolas James" he looked up at me directly into my eyes.

Confidence. He has quit confidence, I like that. His brown eyes lit up, showing some hazel, weird. I thought that only happened to my eyes. No ones ever shared the same characteristics as me before. Not even my siblings.

"Well Nicolas, I think you are quit the player, really talented." I smiled again. god I can't stop smiling around this kid. I've already smiled at him more than I smiled at my Real Madrid teammates. "What position do you play?"

"I'm a left wing" he answered and my smile grew wider at the boy, knowing we played the same position. Honestly it was like looking at a mirror with this one.

I felt Gareth's eyes darting between me and little Nicolas.

Nicolas eyes widened at the sight of Iker Casillas, who was at the moment snapping pictures with some of the parents who seemed to be enjoying the moment more than their children.

"You like Iker?" I asked.

"I'm a fan, but not as much of my mum" he said. "She doesn't even know what's going on half the time during the games, she just likes to look at him"

"What about your father?" I asked now more curious about his life.

He shrugged. "I don't know him, I never did. "

"Oh I'm sorry Nicolas." I gave him a pat on the head.

"It's alright, I learned not to need a father" he said sadly. I watched him painfully, wanting nothing more to make him happy. I felt towards him as if he was my own.

"That's the spirit. So where are you from originally?" I asked going back to his accent.

"I was born in Manchester, but moved here awhile ago" he answered. His answer warmed my heart and drew me closer to him.

Manchester was my heart. I always have a special place in my heart for that place. It was where I learned everything.

"Manchester is a lovely place, I used to play for united. " I said.

"Yeah I used to watch re runs of your games with my grandfather, I was born a year after you left" he beamed.

"When's your next game? I would love to come" I suddenly decided, I didn't even think. "Is your mother here?"

"Tuesday" he said with the brightest smile on his face like I just made his day. "My Moms not here, she had to work"

"I'll drop you off at home then" I didn't know what I was thinking. But I felt too much of a connection with this child.

"My mom said my friend Martíns mother would drop me off" he said.

"No it's okay, I inisist" I was more than determined and I can feel Gareth looking at me confused as to what I was suddenly doing.

"My mom said not to go anywhere with strangers, but since you are Cristiano Ronaldo I guess you could" that's the answer I was looking for.

"Okay, just tell me when you are ready to leave" I told him.

"Okay, I'll be right back" he said running towards the swarm of little kids probably to brag how I am taking him home.

"What was that?" Gareth asks.

I shrugged. "I don't know, I just felt some type of way with him" which was the complete truth.

"You guys look just alike. If you had a son, he would be it." Gareth finally said what was going through my mind since I began talking to Nicolas.

Timeless // C. Ronaldoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें