page thirteen;

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I stood in front of Cristiano and Nicolas as I recounted all the rules I had for them. I had accepted Sergio's date and he was due at my house any minute now.

"Okay, he can't have junk food.."

"Before dinner, yeah I got it." Cristiano cut me off rolling his eyes. I know I gave Cristiano this speech probably twenty times every time I left him with Nicolas but I'm a mother and I needed to always be careful with my baby. Those crazy stories on the internet could have any parent paranoid.

"And make sure he's in bed by 9:30" I looked at him. Cristiano, between us, was the more flexible parent. Nicolas was able to get away with just negotiating with him. I knew they weren't going to follow my rules as soon as I left the door.

"I've been with him before Nicolette, calm down it's just a date." Cristiano grinned like he knew what was gong through my head. I'm guessing he probably did. I was so nervous to go on a date I haven't been on a real date in awhile and I was just fussing over Nicolas and Cristiano to try and calm my nerves and get my mind off the date.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous you know." I ran my hands through my hair. I sighed letting some stress leave my body. The doorbell then rang and my guess was that Sergio was already here.

"You calm down here and I'll get the door." Cristiano grabbed my shoulders looking me at the eyes. I could smell his Armani exchange cologne, it was an elegant fragrance and I suddenly had the urge to bury my face into my chest and sniff him for the rest of the night, if that wasn't weird.

I nodded, taking another deep sigh. "Just don't freak him out."

"How could I freak him out? He's Sergio one of my great friends and teammate"

"Right" I shook my head, I had forgotten that Cristiano and Sergio were teammates let alone know eachother. you see how nervous I was and all for no reason too.

"Hóla Nicolette" Sergio said walking through the door with Cristiano closely behind him. Sergio walked to me giving me a half hug and a kiss on the cheek. He released me to greet Nicolas, who for some reason had the nerve to call Sergio uncle. I had no clue they were that close.

What's that thing you feel when you are on your first date and your date is extremely attractive, like vogue model attractive? Oh yeah it's called anxiety and crazy butterflies. All that was going through my body at the moment and Sergio Ramos was the cause of it all.

"Ready to go?" Sergio asked smiling at me, holding the coat that I had originally set on the couch for my self to wear when he arrived. I nodded, running over to hug Nicolas once more.

"Bye guys, have fun but not too much fun" Cristiano winked, grinning from ear to ear. I shying waved back, I knew I was blushing as Sergio places a hand on my back leading me towards the front door.

"By the way amor, you look very beautiful" he whispered in my eyes, sending the very chills that I had went through earlier that night when he first walked in looking gorgeous.

"Uh- thanks, you look beautiful too." I mentally kicked myself in my head at how stupid I sounded and probably looked, blushing like a dumb 5th grader.

"sí, gracias. " Sergio chuckled as we reached he black car. It was one of the those amazingly expensive cars that all rich people had.

Like the gentleman Sergio was, he opened the passenger seat for me, allowing me to enter then closing it tight once I was already in. I watched him walk around to his side with such an amazing stride. I was beginning to creep myself out as I watched the Spanish man walk. Usually girls check a guys butt out or something like that but me? I had to be the weird girl that checked a guys walk out.

"I don't know about you but I've been craving a steak all day" Sergio talked as he drove into the Madrid streets. I didn't really care where we went to be honest. I wasn't those picky girls that demanded that they go to a five star restaurant, me I was just fine with even going to McDonalds. Once when I was 17, I went on a date with this one guy and he took me to nandos and all my friends freaked out and thought it was inappropriate. I actually enjoyed myself and Nandos wasn't bad at all, if I was a guy I'd take a girl there too.

"Steaks perfect." I sent him a smile. I looked out the window thinking about what we'd talk about while we were seated across from one another eating steak. I didn't want the date to be quiet and awkward but I also didn't want to make a fool of myself and the consequence would mean I wouldn't have a second date. did I even want a second date?

The restaurant wasn't even that far from my place. The restaurant wasn't as packed as I expected which I was so glad about considering who I as arriving there with. I was already sort of in the lime light because of Cristiano. People knew me. But they didn't recognize me that much cause well Cristiano and I were rarely out together for photographers to snap a shot of us, but they had many of Nicolas and Cristiano, and then there were those of me and Nicolas and the people put two and two together and figured that I was Nicolas's mother.

The waiter led us to an empty table. It was simple and not over done which I liked, that made it feel like we were just two normal people having dinner together. Instead of me sitting across from a sex god of a footballer.

"What are you ordering?" Sergio asked not looking up from the menu. the man seemed to have quiet the appetite the way he was eyeing that menu up and down.

"I don't know probably just steak." I shrugged. Isn't that why we were here Sergio? The waiter walked over to our table placing a bread basket in front of us and then pulling out a notepad looking between Sergio and I, but more at Sergio in awe.

"would you like anything to drink?" He asked, bringing the one close to the paper. And of course he looked at Sergio first giving him his full and undivided attention.

"I'll just take coke, please." Sergio answered, he then flashed his eyes at me for my answer.

"Hm, I'll take a Diet coke" I smiled at the waiter.

He nodded and turned on his heel towards the kitchen where I guess he was getting the drinks ready. I eyed Sergio down as he did the same. That's exactly what we did for awhile, just stared at eachother until the waiter returned with our drinks and finally took our order of steak.

"So, Sergio"


"What made you ask me out?" I asked him, I wanted to know what he found so appealing about me that he had to ask me our. I mean he was him. An over the top attractive man who can have any girl he wanted with just a snap of a finger.

"Well Nicolette, it's Brainer that I was absolute taken by you the first time we met at Cristiano's house and any guys even a blind man can see how beautiful you are and I wanted to get to know you more." He smiled sipping his coke.

"Oh" I smiled. "Erm thanks."

Our steaks arrived within minutes and the aroma filled my nose. It's smell reminded me of how hungry I was as my stomach grumbled at the sight. taking my first bite was like heaven, I think I found my new restaurant hang out spot.

We spent our time talking about Sergio's career as a footballer, Cristiano, Nicolas, England and the 2014 as well as 2010 World Cup where he triumphed and well didn't triumph in. the tables turned on me for awhile as I told him about my background and such. I had to admit the first part of our date u was intimidated and shy but I was slowly warming up to Sergio. It was so easy to talk to him and he was so funny.

I started laughing at one of Sergio's jokes as my eyes wandered the restaurant. My eyes grew wide as I recognized Cristiano and Nicolas siting a couple of tables away. Cristiano was feeding Nicolas something off of his plate and he took a napkin wiping his face before giving him a kiss. my heart has never softened so much in my life before.

"What are you looking at?" Sergio asked, grabbing my attention once again. I pointed at Cristiano and Nicolas. If they didn't look so cute right now they'd be in so much trouble for not listening to me.

I've just seen Cristiano in a different light that I've never seen him in before, at this moment Sergio couldn't even come close to how I saw Cristiano.

Bah bum bum dum Nicolette re-analyzing her baby daddy but she's on a date whaaaaaaaaaat

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