Page eleven;

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"Nicolette how did you manage to hide something so big like this from me?" Sasha said waving the newspaper in front of my face. I hadn't planned on the media finding out about Nicolas anytime soon. I knew they'd eventually find out but not this early, when Cristiano and Nicolas were just getting to know eachother. Cristiano wasn't all that careful when he went out with Nicolas though, which I'm guess was how the photographers were able to take pictures of the two spending their time together.

"well? I knew you and Cristiano knew each other but I didn't know you knew each other that well" she wiggled her eyebrows at me. I knew she was sent by the rest of my co workers to find out the gossip. I didn't talk to some of them all to well and since Sasha was the one I was closest with they put her on the mission.

"It's not a big deal Sasha, we met in the past and now we share a son" I rolled my eyes trying to focus on the e-mail my boss sent me. I didn't want to be bugged about my son by some careless gossipers. "If don't mind, I have some work to do."

"Oh come on nicki you can tell me anything, I swear I won't tell no one" I bet her fingers were crossed from behind. I snatched the newspaper out of her grasp and stared down on it. On the front was a big picture of Cristiano and Nicolas walking around the park with Cristiano's carrying Nicolas. They both looked identical with their matching sunglasses and t-shirt. In big bold letters splattered across the pictures was "Cristiano Ronaldo's son?" in Spanish. I flipped through the paper laughing to myself. I had no idea why this was such a big deal, so what if he had a son. How was that going to effect anybody else but himself and Nicolas.

"This is ridiculous" I scanned through the pages full of Nicolas and Cristiano's on the days they were out together. One section was about me and it claimed that I was some prostitute Cristiano slept with. I didn't know where they got the hilarious stories from but I certainly did not work as a prostitute.

"How do you and Ronaldo do the custody issues? How does Irina his girlfriend fit in this whole ordeal?" She asked. To be honest, I didn't think Irina took a liking to either Nicolas or I. Which was some way understandable but I would rather her take out all the hating on me rather than my son and her soon to be step son.

"can we just have lunch instead?" I asked her. "I really need to get this work done and I can't deal with being distracted at the moment" I nodded towards my unfinished report that I was due to send in an hour.

"Ok ok, but I expect full everything" she grinned. She got up from her seat and skipped out of my office into where I presumed all the people were awaiting for her to return and feed them on some news.

Hey, I picked Nicolas up from school and he's at my place.

Cristiano's messaged flashed across the screen of my phone. I replied to him telling him that it was fine. He didn't have to really, he's already done the deed of dropping him off this morning and I told him my neighbors would pick him up considering that both Nicolas and their son went to the same school and were in the same class.

About 15 minutes into my report, I finally finished it. I emailed it to my boss. I was just in time for lunch which reminded me that I had told good ole Sasha I would spend my lunch with her. I left my office with my purse locking my the doors because I had no reason to return today considering that I finished all my work early so I had the rest of the day off.

Sasha ws standing bedsides the secretary holding up a conversation with her. I cleared my throat at her as I got nearer to her. I clutched onto my purse tighter. She flashed me a smile and said one more thing to the secretary before nodding her head towards the door and I followed her out into the Madrid streets.

Sasha and I sat outside this restaurant 2 blocks away from where my firm was located. I didn't want to go into full details but I knew I was not going to be left alone until I atleast told her something.


"what type of pizza did you get?" I asked Sergio as he walked through the front door with two white pizza boxes in his hands.

"What do you think? You'd kill me if I didn't get you cheese" Sergio said. I followed him into the living room where Nicolas was currently at playing with my phone.

"You've got that right." I sat down besides my son. son, I was getting weirdly used to saying that word now that I was getting closer to Nicolas. He was mine, my own blood ran in his veins. Before, I didn't think to even look at another child but now I was in love with being a father.

"Is this my favorite Ronaldo in the world?" Sergio placed the pizza on the table looking at Nicolas. He was too fond of him, I caught him trying to get Nicolas to call him the best player in the world and have Nicolas call him uncle the other day.

"uncle Sergio" Nicolas grinned at the Spaniard. It was odd how the two only met twice, this being their second time meeting and they've already managed to form some type bond and Nicolas already thought of Sergio as an uncle.

"I brought you pizza" he flickered his hands towards the pizza box set on the table. "Let's get you washed up mijo"

I watched the two disappear into the kitchen to get the plates. You know life as a father was pretty good. I had someone that looked up to me and so some for me to guide and love.

Sergio and Nicolas returned soon with plates in their hands and Sergio looked through my fridge like he always did he came back with a liter of soda in his hands and he also set them on the table.

Before we could even eat, my doorbell rang. Sergio shot up as if he was the owner of the home. "You two have father son moment and I'll get the door" I shrugged as I watched him to for the door. I just hoped it wasn't anybody important.

"why hello there" I heard Sergio's obnoxious voice from down the hall. Minutes later Nicolette and Sergio appeared through the doorway. He has his arms around her like they knew each other for years.

"Mom" Nicolas exclaimed. Sergio's face weirdly went from a shocked to confused to then a realization.

"You're Nicolas's madre?" Sergio looked at her.

She laughed throwing her head back."yeah, why do you think I was here?"

"Oh. well if you want a second child, let me know" he winked at her. He was going to do some shameless flirting, I already knew it. I just wished it wasn't with
The mother of my child.

All four of us sat in my living room eating pizza while I listened to everyone talk about their day. I found myself always drifting off to stare or glance at Nicolette's direction. She intrigued me and I realized I knew things yet I didn't know a lot about her.

"So do you know my number?" Sergio asked her.

She nodded looking at the Real Madrid jacket he was wearing with his number 4 patched on the corner. "4? Am I right?" I quietly watched the two, knowing exactly where Sergio was going with this. I didn't want him to set any moves on her especially while Nicolas or I was around.

Sergio smirked nodding. "sí, you're correct. Since you know my number, it's only fair if I get yours"

"Oh- wow okay" Nicolette nodding glancing at me. I didn't know what to say so I just smiled and nodded at her signaling for her it was okay and she should give it to him, he wasn't a bad person he just had a hard time committing to a girl and that's what troubled me.

Timeless // C. RonaldoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz