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Cristiano's p.o.v

"Nicolas come eat breakfast" I walked into the small boys room. "We're going over to see your mom after breakfast"

He stretched in his bed making noise that most likely meant he heard what I was saying and he was getting up. I looked at his crazy dark brown bed hair. I ran a hand through my own recognizing it's resemblance.

"I've set an extra toothbrush in the bathroom next door" I set my hands in my pocket looking at what possibly could be my own offspring. I turned around and walked back out the door and down the stairs where Irina was already seated in the dining room.

"Hey" she said not looking up from her magazine. "So I was thinking..."

"What were you thinking Irina" I asked with some sarcasm.

"I'm going to go with you" she said. "To see the boys mother"

"I erm I'm sorry but I don't think you should go. " I muttuerd. "I think it's already to hectic and if you suddenly show up it'll be even more."

"Cristiano I'm serious, we are going to get married and I need to be there for you at these kind of stuff." She looked at me sternly. "I want to be involved in this"

I looked at her for a second, this was why I was with her, she was so caring and always thought of others before herself. I nodded sitting down besides her. Maybe it won't be so bad with Irina there with me.

"so where's the little boy?" she asked taking a sip of her coffee.

I rolled my eyes at her. "His name is Nicolas, Iri. "

"Nicolas. Okay where is Nicolas?"

"He's probably in the bathroom" I said.

we ate silently me looking at my phone while I ate and Irina read her magazine. She was on the cover therefore she was most likely reading only her part and skipping over the rest.

Nicolas finally came downstairs, the kid took as long as I do in the bathroom and I usually took my time because beauty doesn't rush. I smiled at him as I got up and set a plate in the empty chair across from me. Nicolas took his seat and I added pancakes, eggs and toast on his plate.

"Good morning Nicolas, I'm Irina" irina smiled at him. Atleast she was trying to get to know him and that counted for me.

"Hello Irina" Nicolas acknowledged her.

"Would you like some goat cheese with your toast?" Irina asked. I didn't know why she still brought that thing of a food over, I understand she loved it but she knew I was allergic and now Nicolas was too.

"He can't have it, he's allergic too" I said, Irina looked rightly shocked at my revelation.

"Oh that's rather strange you both are allergic" Irina chuckled quietly.


I knocked on the door that belonged to Nicolette. Nicolas, Irina and I stood in front of her house. She opened the door of her house seconds later. She looked distraught like she hadn't had much sleep.

"Oh hello, erm come in" she opened the door wider. We stepped inside her home, I was too familiarized with this home already.

"hi, I'm Irina, Cristiano's fiancé" Irina said, I didn't think the fiancé part was necessary.

"I'm Nicolette James" she looked at Irina, I can see in her eyes that she felt intimidated by irina and I wasn't ok with. She was just as beautiful as Irina.

She led us to the living room and I took a seat on the armchair while Nicolas sat between Irina and Nicolette on the bigger sofa. I didn't know how to begin.

"I remember you, how we met at that night club" I spoke. "I'm just confused as to why you didn't tell me while I was still in Manchester"

"You were already here when I found out." She said looking at her hands. "And you're not really the easiest person to reach"

"Then how come you couldn't have told me when we met" I stared at her.

"Look if you came here to yell at me or whatever then I don't want to hear it. I didn't want to spring on you like that you wouldn't have believed me if I told you a couple of days ago." She looked up at me meeting my gaze.

"I'm sorry for getting heated." I sighed. "This is just too much to take in all at once."

"I'm sorry, but he's your son"she bit her lip.

"Excuse me, but I think Cristiano should get a DNA test before we go making conclusions" Irina said. She was right though.

I nodded looking at Nicolette again for her reaction. "You don't believe that he's your son?" She looked at me disgusted. I wish she hadn't.

I covered my face with my hands taking a deep breath. "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just I want to make sure that he is, be 100% he's mine and not someone else's"

"I've never been with anyone 1 year before you and no one after you" She said. "Have you not seen him, he is your spitting image, you're goddamn replica"

"I'm sorry, we could go to the clinic later and get a test taken" Cristiano said. "I'm sorry but a teammate had this happen to him before and the baby wasn't his"

"Look, I'm not some gold digging trash. I don't even want your money, I just want Nicolas to have a father figure in his life someone he could look up to. I was fine without your money back then and I'm sure as hell going to be fine without it now" she glared at me, I know she was mad but she must understand.

I ran my tongue over my lips. "I'm sorry please just understand it from where I'm standing."

-Nicolette's p.o.v-

I sat inside the doctors office with Cristiano besides me and Nicolas sitting in one of those beds. I felt terrible having to put my son through this without an idea his father didn't actually believe that he was his.

I was glad Irina didn't come, she thought she should of but Cristiano didn't allow her and that's the best thing he's done all day. I was growing impatient while I waited for the doctor to return with the equipment. Seconds later the door opened and in came the doctor and 3 other assistance.

"Alright why don't we get started" the doctor said. Cristiano stood up and stood besides the bed where Nicolas was sitting. "wow you two look alike, are you sure you want to do this?"

Thank you doc! Finally someone can see some sense in this. Taking a test only to find out what I've been telling them from the beginning. But Cristiano nodded that he wanted to go on with the DNA test. I watched as the put some cotton swabs into both Cristiano's and Nicolas's mouths.

They did what they had to then locked both swabs away in a case like thing and the 3 assistance's left the room leaving only the doctor and us 3. I looked at the doctor expectedly.

"This shouldn't take too long, the most is 3 days but usually up to a day or 2 and we'll mail you the results." The doctor said. "now we are mailing it to Cristiano Ronaldo am I correct?"

"Yes" Cristiano answered, he wanted to get it but said he wouldn't open it until we were all together, yes including Irina. I honestly don't know why she was getting involved they weren't married yet so therefore what was his wasn't hers officially.

Timeless // C. RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now