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Nicolette's p.o.v

"She got her own thing, that's why I love her. Miss independent"

To say I was tired was an understatement. I was beyond tired, I was so tired I didn't even feel tired anymore. Working at the firm was a lot of work, but bills didn't pay itself.

I unlocked my door knowing well that Nicolas was next door with the neighbors, because I had to come home late. I decided to walk over to Susanna's place to pick up my son, then I could rest.

I knocked on their heavy maroon door. Benjamin was at the door in seconds looking swell as always. He smiled and opened the door wider for my to enter.

"Oh no, I won't be staying long" I told him when he tried to get my coat by the door. "Can you please get Nicolas?"

I was dead tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep or eat or do both at once. If that was even possible. Benjamin did as I said and within seconds later Nicolas was running towards me happy as ever. I knew I was in for quit a story once I got home.

We walked inside our home which was quit the pig sty but no one had time for that at the movement. I took my coat and shoes off at the front door. I set them neatly into the closet, while Nicolas threw his stuff into the closet.

"Mum you won't believe what happened today" he nearly choked with excitement, I smiled fondly at him.

"Not now sweetheart, tell me about it later. I'm really tired and I want to rest" I said weakly, I was badly craving a end and a warm blanket around me.

He looked down then nodded. "Oh okay. I'm sort of tired too"

"Then we can nap together then share our stories later" I messed with his hair. "Sound like a plan?"

He nodded before running upstairs. "Last one to the bed is a rotten egg"

"You little devil, you have a head start" I chased after Nicolas upstairs towards my bedroom. Nicolas hoped into my bed and pulled the cover over him yawning. I laid down besides him wrapping my arms around him.

I kissed his forehead before I began to drift off to sleep myself. "I love you Nikolas."

"I love you too mummy."

Cristiano's P.o.v

I wanted nothing more than to be at my home at the moment. I wanted to have my remote controller in my hand as I played FIFA. But instead Irina thought it'd be amazing to go out. since we 'never go out'. I remembered taking her out just last week when she was in town.

I sat there bored, playing with my food. I tuned her out as soon as she started talking about her runway shows and photoshoots. I wasn't in the mood to get dressed up just so I can eat a small portion of food that would cost a lot of money.

But Irina, oh Irina she loved these stuff. And I was her boyfriend and all, so I guess I had to do these sort of stuff with her-

I was snapped out of trance when a pair of hands waving at my face. "Cris? Cristiano are you even listening to me?"

"What- huh?"

"I was saying, how we've been together for a while now. And I want a baby" she clasped her hands on her face as if it was the most exciting thing in the world. But for me it was the opposite, I can't have a baby. I'm not ready to be a father.

"you want? You want a what?" I nearly choked on my own saliva. She couldn't be serious, this had to be some sort of joke.

A baby? I wasn't ready to have one just yet, in the future yes, way way in the future. Not now, not when my career was at its highest and she was becoming really big in the model industry. Who would be around for the kid?

"I want a child Cris. I think we are ready for those next two steps" she reached over the table embracing my hands with her own.

"Two steps? What are the two steps you want?" I asked curiously, this doesn't even make sense any more.

She did one of those dramatic sighs she did before she told me something I didn't want to here. "Marriage. And kids. Those are the two big steps Cris, baby I want to be with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want to be a mother so bad. And you can offer me those two things, I only want those two things with you. Cristiano I love you so much. "

I didn't know what to say. She practically just purposed to me but the only thing that just came out of my mouth was. "Uh I can?"

Hi omg. I love Cristiano Jr. So much but unfortunately for the plot reasons he's not going to be in the story. Hope you guys love this so far, cause I know I do. Remember to comment your opinions because I like to know what you think of the chapter.

Timeless // C. RonaldoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon