The Slammer

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A/N - All these brilliant characters and ideas are James Dashner's because I doubt my mind could ever come up with something so amazing...ah one can dream. I have come up with Autumn though.

Also this isn't a story where they get together really fast and then make out all the time... whooooops, but I'm not overly fond of those stories so if that is what you are looking for, my apologies but I suggest you click away

This time I let Alby take my arm and lead me towards a concrete building that was located just behind some bushes and bramble. I got into the small room, the only thing in there was one rickety chair. Alby shot me an almost apologetic smile as he locked the old rusted lock onto the wooden door. There was one little window that was barred and was letting in the setting sun's light. Wow had it really only been this morning that I woke up here?

With my hands resting against the bars, that I probably could have broken and gotten out of, I watched as each of the boys left me. Minho smiled a sorry smile then jogged to catch up with Alby, Gally sneered at me so I glared back and then Newt...

Newt stopped completely and looked at me through the bars. He was biting his lip, contemplating what to say. He put his hands in the same little squares of the bars as mine so our hands were overlapping slightly.

"Autumn, thank you."

"What for?"

"For staying." I cocked my head slightly, confused and he continued. "I know bloody well that you could've kept running and that you could break through these shuck bars and just scale the walls or some klunk like that." I couldn't help it, a little grin crept onto my face. "So thank you." And with that he left.

I felt the warmth of his hands leave mine and I realized that it was cold in here and that was going to have to spend the whole shucking night. Wait. Did I just use their word? Dear lord help me, I am becoming a Glader. I thought jokingly to myself. I slid down the concrete wall and sat against it, leaning my head on the stone. It was quite uncomfortable but that doesn't seem to matter when your day has been as, well...exciting as mine has. Before I even realized it I was falling asleep on the cold stone.


I woke up as the sun started to filter in through my barred window. I was surprised to see that I was laying on the ground with a blanket covering me. Someone had brought me a nice of them. I smiled, maybe Newt was right, that was only like half the boys and half of the half seemed to like me just fine. I could do this, I could belong here, I'm going to.

"Ow," I sat up and everything ached. There was no putting it any differently. My muscles hurt from running so much, I was bruised and scraped from when Newt and I had collided three times, and the rest of me hurt from laying on this floor.

I stood up so I could see out of the window. It was early, the sun had just begun to rise and the Maze doors were opening. I seemed to be the only person awake, which wasn't helpful in a) getting me out of this and b) getting some food into me. I had been going off adrenaline all day yesterday and now food is very much a necessity. I waited for about half an hour before I heard signs of stirring. I heard voices in the distance and I saw some people - the Runners, I corrected myself getting ready to go explore the maze. I also saw a boy heading towards a random building that I wasn't quite sure what goes on in there. And to my increasing happiness I spotted a sleepy looking Alby making his way over to me with keys in hand.

"Ah Alby," he raises an eyebrow in confusion and lets out a yawn. "Okay too soon." I say with a smile on my face. I didn't really think Alby and I were all buddy buddy yet, but it was worth a shot.

"I've come to let you out."

"Really, darn I thought you were just coming to say hello," I replied sarcastically.

"I could walk away you know greenie," He said obviously fighting with a smile.

"I dare you to." He didn't move. Instead he put the rusted key in the rusted lock and opened the door. I climbed out and looked up at him. "MmmHmmm, of course you can walk away."

A/N - Also this one is short because I need to skip parts and yeah, just go with it...

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