Waking Up

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Disclaimer - All the character and ideas and settings belong to James Dashner...except Autumn but that's like a needle in the haystack of brilliant ideas...not that I think I'm brilliant cause I'm not it's just, yeah.... :/

A/N - So do you guys want some more chapters of just cute things in the Glade before Thomas comes or do you want more action (Thomas would come)? 

Autumns's POV 

        "What?" Minho asked curiously. Newt just stared at me in a confused sort of stupor. 

        "I-I remember things. Why can I remember things?" I turned to face Minho, with a grunt of pain. 

        "That's what happens during the Changing," Gally had finally spoken, "You go through some excruciating pain and the you get a few shuck memories back."  

        "So you have some back too then?" I asked the tall boy leaning against the door-frame. He nodded nervously, like he ddin't want to talk about it. I understood how he felt so I turned back to Newt. 

        "I saw you," I nodded my head in Newt's direction. "And I said that I would come and find you and you said I wasn't allowed to and...looks like I didn't listen." I just shrugged my shoulders. I hadn't the slightest idea of how I was going to explain the memories. I knew I would eventually, I would have too many questions to keep bundled up inside me if I didn't. 

        "Are you sure it was me?" Newt asked, his face was scrunched up in concentration. I nodded. 

        "I had a lot of memories, random snippets..." I racked my brain to remember what else I had seen, "I saw a city, um... I saw a younger me, a bunch of buildings, I..." My voice faded as I remembered. I had climbed into the Maze. I was here for a reason. Maybe I got stung on purpose. My eyes must have widened because a moment later Clint asked me what was wrong. 

        "I sent myself here." Was all I managed. I terrible headache began attacking my brain and I closed my eyes. It was like something was forcing me not to say my thoughts aloud. 

        "What do ya mean you bloody sent yourself here?" Newt asked, looking even more confused. My temple was throbbing so I placed a massaging finger to it. 

        "The Creators didn't send me here. I think I came when they didn't want me too." I squeezed my eyes shut and felt myself swaying. I vaguely remember arms reaching out as my thoughts slipped from my mind and then I was unconscious again. 

Newt's POV 

        The gears in my brain were turning at a mile a minute so I didn't notice Autumn until Minho had frantically reached out to stop her from falling. I moved my head up, my eyes trained on her. She had passed out again, but that was normal so I wasn't all that concerned...happens to all the shanks that have to go through the buggin' Changing. 

        What does she mean? Why did she put herself willingly into the Maze? Why does she need to find me? And why isn't she mad, it was all my bloody fault anyways! 

        I saw that Minho had layed her down in her bed once more. It looked like she had never even moved. 

        "You don't remember her at all?" Minho asked addressing me. I shook my head. She knows me, why can't I remember anything about her? I had so many questions that nobody could answer except the girl laying unconscious next to me, and I wasn't even sure if she can answer them all.

        "Gally?" Minho had turned to ask him. It took everything in me not to glare daggers into that slinthead. The more reasonable part of my brain reminded myself that Gally had gone through the Changing as well and that it wasn't an unreasonable thing to ask... 

        He shook his head. "I don't remember her at all. I think she's right, whoever sent us here didn't mean for her to come too." he pointed at Autumn. She looked much better now, aside from being a little pale and disheveled she looked back to her normal self. 

        "So why's she here?" I asked the general audience. 

        "Because of you shuckface!" Minho responded turning to face me. "She made it pretty clear didn't she?" There were murmurs of agreement from the other boys and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. 

        "That's what's bloody confusing. She didn't even know me before she got stung by that buggin' Griever!" Nothing made sense. "So why would she send herself here?" 

        Why can't I remember her? I thought desperately to myself, running my hand through my hair. If I was important enough to her for her to send herself into the bloody Maze then why don't I remember her? I watched as Minho just shook his head, and Clint got up to leave the room. Gally was still waiting by the door and I coughed to let the shank know he wasn't needed anymore. He seemed to take the hint and followed Clint out. 

        "Minho do you think I knew her before this?" My voice wavered, I wasn't sure what to believe anymore. 

        "No shuckface I think she just met you and shoved herself in the Maze." Minho rolled his eyes at me. "Did you really hit your head that hard?" He asked jokingly. If it was anyone but Minho, (or maybe Autumn) I would have got up and beat the living klunk out of them, but I just shook my head. 

        "I don't know...nothing makes sense at all." 

A/N - Also sorry this is just a little filler chapter thing because I need an answer to the Author's Note at the beginning of this chapter before they can start to get exciting... :) 

Also I'm going to be gone on Sunday until Monday :/ 

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