Mission Impossible (Part 1)

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Disclaimer - This wonderful world filled with all its brilliant characters is not mine...it is the creation of James Dashner... so yeah :) 

A/N - I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! You've all been so supportive and you comment nice things and I am just really freaking grateful, so thank you so much!!!! :) 

Autumn's POV 

        It's been a stinking week and no one will let me run! Seriously Minho wouldn't, Alby wouldn't, Newt wouldn't.... I'm fine now, perfectly, one hundred percent healed. No need to worry about me. I just really, really want to run the Maze again. I have to see if I can remember where I got in...I need to know more. I just don't have any answers, any sold piece of information seems to be just lurking underneath some murky water. I can almost grasp it and I can see bits and pieces but everything is blurry. 

        I was sitting at a picnic bench with Newt, Alby, Minho and Zart the fart. The sun was setting, you'd think the sunset would be beautiful...not in the Maze. The sunsets here cast eerie shadows and sends bleeding reds oozing across the sky, without the sight of the horizon everything about them is just really wrong. 

        I opened my mouth to ask the same question I've been asking for a week but I was cut off before I even spoke. 

        "No." Alby said firmly not even looking up from his plate. 

        "You don't even know what I was going to say." I argued back at him. 

        "Hmmm let me guess, did it have something to do with running?" He shot back at me sarcastically. His eyes flickered up towards me in the slowest blink in the history of slow blinks. 

        "Actually no." I lied. Newt turned his head to face me, apparently now interested in the conversation. "I just wanted to ask if the Greenie gets to try running?" Alby wrinkled his forehead and I continued, "Because maybe I could help teach him if I could just —" 

        "And we're back to here." Newt sighed from across the table shoving a forkful of food into his mouth. 

        "Well we wouldn't be 'here' if you slintheads would just let me run." I've learned something about myself, and that is that I am very good at complaining. Not sure if that's a skill I should be proud of, but I really am quite good at it...

        "Autumn." I turned so I could face Minho, who was sitting next to me. "Shut up." he said simply and I  pushed my hand against his whole face. 

        "Neverrrrrrrr." He stuck his tongue out and licked my hand. I pulled it back. 

        "You disgust me." I joked as I wiped my hand on Minho's shoulder. 


        It was dark now and half the Gladers had gone to sleep, but some of us were still up (thanks to me). Newt, Minho, Alby, Gally, Frypan, Zart, Jeff, and a somewhat reluctant Clint stood in front of me. We were all standing in front of Frypan's kitchen in the fading light. All of them appeared slightly confused and a few of them yawned. I stood in front of the cluster of boys. 

        "I bet you shanks are all wondering why I've gathered you here." I announced in my most infomercial voice I could muster. I got a few half hearted nods in response. 

        "Well look no father for answers." I took a step forwards and dramatically spread my arms, gesturing to the Glade. "Since I have had nothing to do for a whole shuck week," I glared at Newt and Minho, "I have set up an elaborate playing field for...wait for it. Mission Impossible." A few more of the Gladers heads turned to look at me. 

        "We will split into two teams. One team will be the defenders or whatever the shuck you wanna call them, basically they defend. And the other team will be the infiltrators." I saw Minho stick up his hand like children would do when asking a question in school. 

        "Yes Minho," I pointed at him and he asked, voice filled with the least amount of enthusiasm possible, "Why are we doing this?" 

        "Because I haven't been allowed to do anything for a week so now you shanks are gonna do something with me," I pointed both my thumbs back at myself. "Don't worry it'll be fun." 

        I turned back to face the group, I now had everyone's eyes trained on me. "Any questions?" 

        "Yeah um, how do you play?" Zart asked me, he looked a little embarrassed but I moved along. 

        "Ah yes. So for those who have not played this before," Have I actually played this before...? "The defending team has some items spaced out on their side of the field and they have to stop the infiltrating team from getting them. Simple enough, and if you get tagged you have to drop the item and then go to the other teams jail," I paused to make sure everyone was keeping up with me. "To get out of jail someone from your team has to come tag you." I smiled and received a few back. 

        "So what are the teams?" Jeff called up to me. 

        "Good question.." Darn. I hadn't thought of how I was going to do that part... "Should we get someone to split us up?" I received a collection of nods. "Oh and since there are, one, two, three..." I counted everyone off on my fingers, "nine of us the teams are going to be off a bit." I nodded and then set off to the Homestead in search of someone to split us up. 

        I heard footsteps behind me and I saw Newt limping up towards me. I slowed down so he could match my pace and we walked together. I was wondering who I was going to ask when a vaguely familiar head of light brown hair shifted in the light. 

        "The greenie," I whispered at Newt and I saw him nod. We crept over to the space where Briar was "asleep".  I sat down next to him and he shot up with a startled look on his face. 

        "What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack," I saw the shocked look receding from his face as it melted into a mini grin. 

        "Nope." I popped the 'p' as quietly as I could. 

        "So what do you want?" He asked, looking from me to Newt (who was still standing.) 

        "Help." He raised a thick eyebrow at me. "I'm going to write down nine names and you split them into teams just based on names and klunk." He nodded and Newt handed me a piece of paper and a pencil, I quickly scribbled down everyone who was playing and handed Briar the paper. He looked at me skeptically. 

        "Just do it." I said and nudged him in the shoulder. He began to circle names, he glanced up at me every so often with a slight questioning smile on his face until he was finished. As he handed me back the paper he stated, "Your teams are uneven." he shrugged as he said this and was about to lay back down, when a smile crept across my face. 

        "You can play too Greenie." I glanced at Newt who just shrugged. I saw Briar's face light up and a real genuine smile appear on his face....it suited him. 

        "Let's go!" I pulled Briar up by the arm, took Newt in the other and dragged them off to where the other boys where waiting. 

        Once we were back I shouted. "Briar's playing too and if any one of you shanks complain you'll be answering to me!" I saw Newt bite his lip to avoid laughing and I marched up to the front again. 

        "Okay so teams are: Newt, Clint, Alby, Jeff and Zart..." I saw Alby high five Newt. "And team two is: me, Gally, Minho, Frypan and Briar can come with us." I stated. "Team one you are defending, go over to the door and set up your objects!" I yelled in military sergeant mode at the opposing team. I waited until they were just out of earshot before spinning on my heel to face my team. 

A/N - Hey guys so this is part 1 of this chapter because I had school and then a volleyball tourney all day and then Wattpad was overcapacitated (what...) and yeah... I'll write the rest tomorrow :/   

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