That Shuckface

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Disclaimer - My brain is not big enough to produce the characters and ideas like that of James Dashner' I only managed to create one and that is Autumn.

A/N - Hey guys so just to let you know I have like a really extravagant and detailed plan for this story, I just need to show Autumn getting used to the Glade and the Maze and I know that this is probably so boring but trust'll get better :) 

        "Soooo..." I leaned into Minho — who had just gotten back from running the Maze (and mapping it) and was now headed to Frypan's with me. "Do I get to try running now?" I dragged out the 'ow' part of 'now' as long as socially acceptable. 

        "Tomorrowwwww," Minho replied, mocking me in the same voice. I stuck my tongue out at him and playfully punched his arm. An exagerated look of mock hurt washed across his face. 

        "Autumnnnnn." he whined, still mocking me. 

        "Minhoooooo." I replied in the same way. 

        "Are we just gonna keep doing thissssss?" Minho asked and I laughed. 


        By now we had earned a few questioning glances from some of the lingering Gladers. It was to be expected, after all we weren't exactly talking quietly. We just laughed at them and then spoke louder. I smiled to myself, it seems like me and Minho are going to be quite good friends.

        As we approached Frypan's and began to wind our way through the array of picnic tables and benches Minho said, "What you smiling about shank?" 

        "Nothing much." I replied. We walked up to Frypan who served us some of his famous stew. 

        "Well it's something." Minho shrugged at me, holding his food out in front of him and walking towards a table occupied by Newt and Alby. 

        "I don't's just this place isn't that bad. I don't know why everyone's always so down about it. Sure the whole thing is terrible, it truly is but I mean synthetic happiness man."  

        "What kind of klunk is this synthetic happiness you speak of greenie?" Minho asked, making quotation marks around 'synthetic happiness' with his fingers. We had almost reached the picnic table where the other boys sat. 

        "Ugh Minho, why must I be so intelligent?" I raised my fist up in the air in an attempt to balance my food with one hand and aggressively shake my fist with the other. In hind sight, not a good plan. I ended up sloshing hot stew all down my forearm. Minho laughed at me. 

        "Yeah that was very intelligent," he remarked sarcastically. 

        "It was, wasn't it?" I replied admiringly. 

        We both laughed as we sat down at the table. I sat next to Minho on the empty side of the bench, (Alby and Newt were sitting next to each other). 

        "You know greenbean, the counter's only a few lovin' steps away from this bench. How the shuck have you managed to spill all over yourself?" Newt asked me, a smirk grew on his face with each word. 

        "I happen to be a very talented person." I responded with a little nod, my hair almost falling right into the stew. Minho then put his arm around me in a friendly fashion and said, "The most talented and intelligent person." I smiled at his joke before looking up to see that Newt had looked away. His eyes trained on the ground and a concerned look on his face. i removed myself from Minho's side and chanced a glance at Alby who had also looked skeptically towards Newt. 

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