Oh It's On

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A/N - I'm gonna start calling these Disclaimers...

Disclaimer - All these wondrous characters and ideas are the works of James Dashner because I don't think my mind can handle coming up with more then a character...or maybe not, we'll have to wait and see (jk)

Oh a campfire they did have. Turns out the boys were lacking in a little fun. They had dragged some big logs over to a sandy area of the glade, (near the homestead) to act as a sort of backrest and we made a makeshift fire-pit out of extra rocks and cracked concrete slabs, then constructed our fire-pit.

It was dark by the time we had finished creating this area, I thought I might try to improve on it another day, but right now I was just enjoying myself. We sat around a blazing fire, which existed only because of me, all of us. Everyone that the stupid Creators had sent to live in the Maze was now gathered around our fire, there was laughter and smiles and everything seemed good. Frypan had even dropped a note into the box asking if we could have marshmallows, I doubted that we'd get them...but everyone was hoping.

The boys had also come up with a game... Basically someone drew a circle in the sand and that was the "arena". You played one on one, the objective was to push the other person outside of the ring and you win. This game had caught a lot of attention from the majority of the Gladers and was probably one of the only reasons why they wanted to come sit around a campfire with us. All the boys were gathered around the ring making a sort of...stadium wall, you could say.

I was sitting in the sand a few feet from their game, with my back against the horizontal log. It was kind of scratchy but I couldn't feel it. I noticed Newt and Alby walking back from Frypan's kitchen, they had left claiming they needed to go the bathroom. Those liars. Alby went to join the cheering crowd, but Newt started coming in my direction with a jar in hand that was full of a liquid that had a striking resemblance to diluted poop, er klunk.

"What on earth are you drinking?" I asked him, as he sat next to me. He had one arm laying across the log I was leaning against and the other holding the strange drink.

"Gally's secret recipe." was his response. I watched him take a slow sip of the murky liquid.

"Well it looks like you sh*t in a cup and mixed it with water." I leaned in and whispered to him. He began, well rather attempted to laugh and just ended up choking on the drink. I laughed, clapped him on the back and reclined against the log, leaning on Newt just slightly.

We sat like that and watched as the other Glader's threw each other out of the circle, only to get up and cheer. It was Gally and a Glader that I didn't know in the rink now. Gally tossed the boy out of the rink with ease and I simply couldn't contain myself, "Woo Yeah! Go Gal Pal!" I yelled through the cluster of boys standing in front of us. I thought the comment would have gone unheard with all the din. I was wrong.

The boys that stood directly in front of us parted to form a sort of communication tunnel for Gally and I.

"What'd you say greenie?" Gally responded back, a deadly calm in his voice.

"I just cheered my Gal pal on, gosh." I retorted back to him. This earned some snickers from the now silent crowd.

"I bet you wouldn't last five seconds newbie!" he yelled it at me this time. Man oh man do I hate Gally. But unfortunately I couldn't turn down a challenge like that, not now.

"I bet I could win!" I shouted back.

"Yeah?" he asked back mockingly.

"Yeah." I confirmed.

"Prove it then shuckface."

I stood up, without looking back at Newt. Who's face was either filled with amusement or terror or both. Who knows. I walked up confidentially until I was standing inside the circle, which had closed itself again.

"Five seconds," Gally said, getting into a fighting stance.

"Oh it's on." I whispered back to him.

I bent my knees and put my arms in front of my face in defensive manner. My hair fell slightly in front of my face because of my slight forward tilt, a smile escaped my lips. Gally charged at me, so un-creative bless. Everything seemed to slow down, he ran at me and I stepped to the side at the last moment. Gally didn't fall out of the ring, but he did stumble. I had spun to face him as soon as I stepped, I was sure he'd be angry and I didn't doubt it that he would attack from behind. This time I ran up to him, he grabbed my arms and spun me so I was facing the outside of the ring, but using my momentum and his (from the spin) I managed to get him facing the outside and I pushed. I shoved him backwards as hard as I could and Gally fell...right out of the circle.

At first everyone was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Until a yell from Minho sounded, "Autumn!" he dragged out the 'um' part in his cheer. It was the spark that lights the flames, soon everyone was cheering and screaming again and Gally was attempting to hide the surprised look on his face. I walked back to over where Newt and I had been sitting earlier.

Newt was standing there, his weight shifted slightly to his left, with a huge toothy grin spread across his whole face.

"That was sheer luck wasn't it?" he laughed.

"No it was closely calculated and timed attacks," I replied jokingly. He had spread his arms out as if gesturing for a hug. I took a step closer to him.

"No it wasn't." he said as he seized me by the legs and threw me over his back.

"Newt!" I shrieked involuntarily.

"See I could have beaten you," he stated simply. He had began to run around and randomly spin, he laughed with each turn. I clung onto his head for dear life. Hoping that his blonde hair might offer some security.

"Are you ever gonna put me down?" I yelled to him after he had completed yet another frantic spin.

"Not a chance greenbean."

Newt was headed towards a group of trees that was just a bit apart from the Deadheads. It was weird. It had really only been two days, but I felt like I knew Newt. Like we used to be friends or something...the thought gave me a headache. How come I had to get my shucking memory erased?! I felt angry at whoever had put us in here. How come they could just take away my memories and shut me in an endless maze with those grievers!?

However my anger melted when Newt, finally, set me down by a tall tree. I sat against the tree and looked up at the sky, no stars either.

"There's no stars here either?" I asked Newt. He came and sat next to me, close but not touching.

"No...I'm afraid not." he replied.

We fell into a comfortable silence, no one talked but nothing was awkward. It was just silence, but the best kind of silence. I didn't know how long we just lay there, all I know is that before I could register what was happening my eyes were closing and I fell asleep.

A/N - Okay so this was a mostly a me just wanting to do a scence like that chapter, in the next one it'll go back to regular Glader stuff

Also thanks for reading :) If you like it maybe you could vote and comment, maybe? Please? Okay Dubaiiii

The Glitch (Newt || The Maze Runner Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें