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A/N - Hey guys first up I'm so sorry I can't update the story today... I feel so bad Jesus :(

And I wanted to ask if it would be okay if I could update every second day instead of everyday because it's getting to be a bit much and I'm worried the story is going to really start to suck if I don't.... So quality over quantity (or time...what?). :/

I know none of you probably want to hear any of my excuses so I'm just going to say I've been getting a lot of work in school (quizzes and stuff) and I've been busy working on my Halloween costume (it's intense and elaborate) and I've also been running so....

I'm so sorry once again but I'll update for everybody tomorrow :/

A/N from present me - Hi so the chapter that I updated was in the midst of being made when I published this and it comes up as behind this and I have no idea how to fix that so....sorry for my inability to computer :/ 

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