Arc 0.1 - Soul Space

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[Initializing bounding process...]

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[_Bounding Process Complete_]

Rhea slowly regained her consciousness, vaguely hearing the completion of the bounding process.

She opened her eyes and saw a familiar ceiling. It was her room...the window on the left side of her bed was opened; Letting in a light breeze and soft sunshine that lit up the room.

"What the hell? How did I get here?" Sitting up, Rhea examined her body for any injuries.

'I clearly remember rushing to my part-time job when this piece of shit drunk driver ran me over. There's no way that amount of pain can be a dream...'

[You're right host. That wasn't a dream, you really did end up becoming roadkill.]

A soothing voice suddenly came out of nowhere, interrupting Rhea's thoughts.

"Who are you!? Come out!" She was completely alarmed by this sudden voice.

[Please calm down host, I can't explain anything if your panicking.]

Forcing herself to calm down, Rhea began collecting her thoughts. "Who are you? And why are calling me host?" Several questions were forming inside her head, but she contained herself as she didn't know the origins of this voice.

[I am system 696969 and you are my host. We bounded the moment your heart stopped beating.]

Immediately after the system introduced itself, Rhea started choking up on her own saliva in disbelief.

"''re called 69??" Rhea couldn't keep it in and started laughing. Sympathy and pity were filling her after knowing this information.

[Yes, is that a problem?] The innocent system was completely confused at its hosts' words and actions.

"Yes, yes it's a problem. poor being." Rhea finally processed all of what the System said and began her question.

"First, come out! I don't like that your hiding somewhere in my room."

[I'm afraid I can't do that. I have no physical form, unless I have enough points to get one.]

"Points? What? Wait, does this mean I'm dead? As roadkill???!" Rhea was in disbelief. In no way would she had expected her life to end as roadkill by fucking drunk driver.

[That is correct. You had died from bones puncturing your heart and lungs, plus with all that blood loss, you wouldn't have lived for long.]

She was in shock by the system being so straight forward, talking about her death like it was a normal everyday thing.

"Then how am I still alive? Why am I in my bedroom? And why was I of all people bounded to you?"

[You still live because your soul was bounded to me as it is the most compatible with me. This room was just created so that you could be in a more familiar environment to properly process all the information being thrown at you.]

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