Arc 2.15 - Grayson Hale

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Waking up to a white ceiling took Adrian off guard but then the vague memories from just before he passed out came rushing back to him.

"Gray..." a few harsh coughs were produced from his dry throat, his tongue felt rough and raw as well. Coughing also made his head pound faintly and his chest to feel like it was on fire. It took a while for him to calm down and prop himself on his elbows to properly look around but only found the room empty. He didn't know why but he felt a bit of disappointed creep into his heart.

He proceeded to slowly sit up on the bed but it was extremely difficult as his chest was flaring with pain at every movement. After finally sitting up to a comfortable position did he notice the IV drip attached to his bandaged wrists. He also lightly touched his chest and found it bandaged tightly as well under the thin hospital gown.

A covered glass of water with an unopened straw had been placed on the nightstand, that's a relief. He reached for it and uncovered the glass then ripped off the coverings of the straw and inserted it into the water. He tightly held the glass in his hands afraid that he might accidentally loosen his grip from currently feeling weak and tired. The first sip was an exquisite soothing agent. Cooling and moistening his mouth and throat.

Then, he thought about what had happened.

Gray came.

Gray, a visually impaired man, completely beat the hell out of Billy with no difficulty at all.

Gray came, took me away from there.

What the hell...?

Adrian could still remember those eyes. Not the cloudy and dulls ones but the ones that looked straight back at him full of emotion and everything in that warehouse. Those bright, glowing blue eyes were the ones.

He frowned at the memory. Blue eyes? All of his speculations had been true.

Grayson Monroe is not blind in the least. This fact didn't make him happy at all. It meant that he had been lied to. It meant that he had once again been a fool in another person's game.

'Just like that woman! Grayson is just like them!'

'Don't trust him. '

'Stay away from him.'

. . .


There were things that don't make sense though. Looking back on this past year there were clearly things that just screamed Gray wasn't blind. Nothing like that seemed to be just casually placed there.

'His phone.'

Adrian knows of Gray's habits and somewhat of how he does things. One thing he knows is that Gray doesn't leave his own things out in the open in places for others to see for too long, well, in places other than his bedroom. In fact, he barely ever lets Adrian go into his room most of the time. Yet there have been some random times Gray forgot his glasses, or...Some days it feels like Gray is far more perceptive than other days. His words had been vague but quite revealing of himself.

'Dropping hints.'

'Planting seeds.'

Adrian even saw him reach for things that he shouldn't know are there but at those times He had never thought much of it...

'That bastard!! He's been playing with me this whole time!! Just wait, I'll kill him if he shows himself in front of me!'

A nurse walked in and was surprised to see him awake.

"My, you're finally awake. You were out of it for almost 3 days now."

"3 days?" Adrian's eyebrows raised, no wonder his body felt so tired and parched.

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