Arc 1.11 - Alex Mcguire

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Eric's mind was filling up on what happened last night. He was devoted to Sherry White, but this Alex McGuire came and is making him waver even though Eric has only met him a few times.

'Look at him! Sleeping so peacefully...tsk He's the cause of my overthinking. Giving me a headache so early in the morning too... ugh!' Looking at him with cold conflicting blue eyes, they hardened and looked away. Eric put his hand on the arm wrapped around him and shoved it away.

Getting up from the bed, he left the room. Searching for his clothes from yesterday, so he can wear them and quickly leave.

Alex opened his eyes the moment Eric left the bed, they were tinted with interest and complexity towards the door. This morning was the most relaxed and well rested sleep he's gotten ever since he came to this world.

No one but his former therapist knows of Alex McGuire suffering from insomnia because of his traumatic dreams, and it was never a problem for the original soul. He had kept it in control from having it show on his face or attitude. The original Alex McGuire was used to it. However, the current inhabitant of Alex McGuire was not.

Alex McGuire's trait of insomnia was passed on to the current Alex, which severely bothered him to no end. And with his career being so tight, he's never had a good chance to relax. Unfortunately, people still didn't have a chance to know of this health condition thanks to the 'Perfect Expression Package', making sure there were zero signs of insomnia on his face.

The fact that's he's not had insomnia tonight was either because of him releasing all that pent up energy accumulation or that he sleeps better with a partner in bed. He should see if it's the former soon, if so, well then...he's bound to turn into a player for sure.

Today was Alex's rare days off so he wanted to sleep in more. But he had to be awake before that sexy specimen could run away from him so soon.

Before walking down to the kitchen, Alex took some time stretching and having his green eyes briefly look around the apartment until stopping towards the bathroom door.

Stretching out a smirk, he looked away to go down and whip up some breakfast.

After some time, Eric came down wearing the clothes from yesterday. Seeing Alex at the kitchen made Eric frown.

Alex turned around and smiled, "Just on time, I made breakfast."

"No thanks, I have a meeting to attend."

"Come on, it's an apology for last night. I forced many things on you, even after I said I wouldn't do anything to you until your willing. I shouldn't have done that." He really sounded like he felt sorry and regretted it. Yet,

'I'd gladly do it again in a heartbeat.'...A whole different story was playing in his head.

Eric paused for a moment before hesitantly walking over to the dining table. Fluffy waffles with whipped cream and maple syrup drizzled on top, a carton of orange juice, and an Alex McGuire with a relaxed atmosphere we're sitting at the table.

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It's been a week, since the tornado warning, which swept through and destroyed most of the suburb area's of the city. But for some reason the tornado completely avoided the urban areas (*COUGHprotagonistplotarmourCOUGH*). Scientists were left baffled at such a phenomenon.

During this week, Alex has been trying to court Eric non-stop, at every turn. Going to his firm, picking him up, hanging around him all the time during Alex's break. Even going as far as to being cheesy and bring him flowers. And today was just another day at this routine.

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