Arc 1.17 - Alex McGuire

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Their time in Shalanda came to an end. They were currently on a long flight back home.

After a few days, Vasco had to go back to work. He and Amelia became closer and closer as each day passed. They now talk on a regular basis via through calls, video chats, texts, etc.

Not only that, Vasco made sure to leave some eyes on Alex before he left... Not like Vasco would find anything suspicious thanks to Parasite.

Alex and Parasite had analyzed all the probabilities they could come across in this kidnapping. They chose the best possible time and route for their initial move and a location to keep Leo. Everything was properly planned out. All that's left is to give the briefing to Eric and put it into action.

He hasn't contacted Eric since having Parasite send that message.

'Not like it matters. There wasn't any reason for me to contact him nor was it a good idea to discuss our plan through a phone. I was also pretty hassled by the work we had done this past 4 weeks. Besides, that guy's probably glad about not being bothered relentlessly by me. He should enjoy it while he can, I'm coming back and I won't let him leave my bed until I'm satisfied.'

Eric wasn't the only one who he hasn't contacted. Matthew has tried to continuously get into contact with him, such as using Amelia, which Parasite immediately put a stop to. He's exactly in the situation of worry Eric was in on the first week of Alex's trip.

These two people don't even have his new phone number yet. They keep trying contacting the old cell phone number lol.

'Really? Oops, my bad.' That was his reaction when learning of this information from Parasite on the way to the airport. A completely bland and easygoing tone with a side chuckle.

Most importantly, his work kept his mind off the sleep he was missing. Although it only got slightly better thanks to his increased soul power and as more time passed, it was still a pain in the ass.

There also wasn't another attack after that woman. Maybe some coincidence flower pots falling too close to him from above or bad attitudes coming off some of some of the staff members he interacted with. It made sense though. After all, the protagonists have gotten married and are now currently on their honeymoon. Not only that, just before they left for their honeymoon, Sherry revealed to the world that she was pregnant with Brendons child. So, they have no reason to go after some 'small' fries.

That dead woman being in his space also made his new habit of using this body for experiencing a new side to sexual activities with other random people stop all together. Much to Amelia's relief. He had no intention of doing such activities while being connected to a corpse in a distorted space following him.

'Parasite, play my recent favourite music. Make the bass boost, keep the treble up and make sure it's top-notch audio quality.'

[Wah? Music? I don't have that function]

'What? Why not? You better install one into your hardware. Otherwise, what would I do if I go to some low advanced medieval ancient world? I would be bored to death! Make sure your able to download any kind of music I like from each world, electronics, hands on instruments, any kind of tune that piques my interest, that kind of thing.'

[Oh ok! That makes sense. I'll send in a request to headquarters to have them add it to my program chip as an upgrade. It'll take a while though, I won't be around to assist you.]

"That's fine. You put me in a hell of debt and gave me a fucking death sentence. Such 'top-grade assistance' I have. I'll be sure to miss it." He mumbled out every word, dripping with venomous sarcasm.

Shuffling his hand around in his carry-on bag, he found his pair of wireless earphones that came as an accessory with his new phone.

Parasite: [(ಥ﹏ಥ) Waaa!? B-but Host! THOSE WEREN'T INTENTIONAL!! °(ಗдಗ。)°. I *hic* WAS OONLYY *sniff* TRYINNGG TO ASSS-*hic* AASIST YOOUUU!!! Wwwaaaaahhh]

Connecting the wireless earphones to his phone, Alex put on a sleeping mask on his eyes and played his music. Completely ignoring the crying and whining Parasite in the background. He stayed like that for the rest of the flight.


The ugly crying is the only thing he could hear when he left the plane with Amelia. After he grabbed all his luggage, Parasites crying was nowhere to be heard.

"Finally some peace and quiet."


"Nothing. Hungry? Let's grab some pizza before we leave."

"*yawn* You're supposed to be watching your diet. But I'll let it slide this once, think of it as a congratulatory gift from all the work we've done. But mainly cause I'm hungry and the airplane food was total shit, even if we were in business class. Come on."

Later, Amelia -she was too tired to drive with her car that was in the parking lot- so she and Alex both got into separate cabs and headed back home from the airport.

Now, it was 2:53 in the morning, and Alex has been laying wide awake and extremely exhausted from the jet lag he had gained an hour ago. He was on his backside, thinking to count sheep like he was a 5-year-old.



"...Hmm? I guess he's already gone. How childish is this system? To have such a big temper tantrum. Tsk, so annoying... This parasitic bug..." He did kick-up from his bed and stood his balance after landing on the floor. Walking over to the luggage bags thrown to the side, he took out his laptop and he flopped back onto the bed like a fish.

Humming out a tune, Alex began hacking around. Searching for a certain someone's address.


Gaining success in his search, he wrote down the address and the encrypted password lock on that certain person's door. The perks of that apartment building was that almost everything was electronic, making things waaay too easy for him to get in. Taking out a flash drive from his backpack he tucked it in his pocket. Grabbing his jacket, he left the building, desperate for some well needed rest.

This city was always extremely busy during night time, which is why Alex had an pretty easy time getting a cab at such an hour.

Arriving in front of an apartment building as tall as a skyscraper, he just walked right in. He avoided most of the security cameras, got into the elevator and waited for a period of time before the floor he pressed showed itself before the elevator sliding door. Calmly walking towards the apartment he had his eyes set on, he unlocked the security lock and passcode as if he lived there. However, he didn't expect was that Touch ID and another encrypted lock was placed in this apartment.

"Ugh, now that. Is. Annoying."

Slowly concentrating on his soul power, he pulled some out and brought it to the key pad on the door and had it unlock itself. Seeing as he hadn't damaged anything, he smirked from the feeling of success and walked right in.

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