Arc 2.18 - Grayson Hale

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For things get even more racy than chapter 2.16
If you know what I mean *wink*
( ͡°з ͡°)


The ride home for the two of them stayed with an uncomfortable silence and some tension that Grayson had no explanation for... it just happened. He did try to break the ice and loosen the atmosphere but the other party wasn't cooperating. 👁 👄 👁

The whole day had been rather boring. Though, the male lead has definitely been approaching Grayson more frequently and even acting strangely. After thinking about that phone call from the bartender, ARK must've informed him to keep an eye out. Grayson couldn't be sure though...


[...Y-Yes Host?...]

'You did record Collins and ARKs phone call, right?' This is one piece of evidence that he didn't hand over to the police as it concerns the male lead. He doesn't want the male lead behind bars when the main show hasn't even started yet. Where's the fun in that?

[Yes!] he exclaimed cheerfully.

'Good. Keep it saved onto my laptop. I'll check it out when I get home.' Grayson glanced at Adrian.

They pulled into the underground parking lot and parked into their designated spot.

Grayson pursed his lips as Adrian got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Grayson also moved out of the car with his backpack and followed Adrian's footsteps towards the elevators. They still stood in silence.

Once they neared their apartment door Grayson decided to poke at Adrian.

"Soooo, I heard you're reputation as the school heartbreaker had been rising lately" Grayson tilted his head towards Adrian, "do you even know how many girls have been trying to get in your pants? Yet you haven't even let one come close to touching you." He blowed put a puff of air and smirked.... this guy had absolutely no idea what he was getting himself into.

Grayson obviously didn't notice Adrian tensing and glaring at Grayson, 'you're not the only one who broke a heart today... people have come to touch me! Bastard! I've let you touch me five times more than anyone else! You still can't see that?!' Adrian's thoughts were raging but he didn't make a sound as Grayson kept making fun of Adrian's heartbreaker situation.

"But what if you actually start going out with some of them?" Grayson stepped into the apartment and took his shoes off, then walked over the sofa and dropped his backpack on it and slipped off his jacket. He kept talking, not 'seeing' Adrian's face contorting as he watched Grayson throw the jacket to the side where it dropped onto the coffee table and then he sat on the armrest of the sofa. "Damn, if you become a player... naw I can't see that happening! Haha! imagine if you— oof!" Grayson was suddenly thrown down on the floor and pinned down. His shades slipped off and felt a body straddle him.

"Ow that hurt..." he groaned and lifted his head, trying to prop himself up, "what the hell—"

Adrian got so annoyed that he pushed Grayson down but instead of punching him he kissed him. Grayson had been stunned by the sudden change of position for a short while but responded into the kiss. He wanted to move his arms but Adrian pinned his arms down and only pushed deeper into his mouth. Tongue gently sweeping in but with a taste of desperation and something else that Grayson couldn't place. Teeth and saliva, tongue to tongue, the entire kiss was messy yet Adrian didn't stop, he only pushed in for more.

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