Chapter 5

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I suspect my mum is up to something, coming to my room early and all looking so happy and extra. I just need to find out what and I hope it is not what I am thinking.

Our car stopped by one of the largest restaurant in the city "Red Rose". They are famous for having all type of food,from Chinese to french cuisine and they are very expensive.

As we walked into the restaurant, people nodded at us in greetings.
We were showed to our table,it seems my mother had made an early reservation.

"Mum I know you didn't bring me out this early just because you wanted to 'spend time with me' so tell me the real reason we are he-"

I was cut off by an annoying female voice.


" Your Majesty,I am sorry am a bit late"said Jessica

"It's okay my dear,take a seat"my mum said smiling.

" Hi Anderson"she said cheerfully

"Hi Jessica"I replied coldly

"Come on Anderson is that how you will greet your future wife and the next Queen to the  throne"my mum scolded.

" Really mum? This is why you brought me here?.I told you several times that I will never marry Jessica, now please excuse me".

I heard a loud gasp from both Jessica and my mother, but I couldn't care less because my mood was already ruined. I took a cab back to the Palace and went straight to my room not before stopping by the kitchen and asked for glass of water to be brought to my room. I know my demand is ridiculous but I really want to see Malia.

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I was on my break speaking to my mum when I was called by Tiffany to get the Prince a glass of water.

"Bye mum,i will talk to you later" I said

It  been 4 days since I spoke to my mum last and my break is  short because some Prince can't  get himself a glass of water?!.

I got a glass of water from the kitchen and headed to the Prince's room and knocked.

"Come in"he said. I enter and handed him the water.He murmured a little thank you and drank the water then placing the empty glass back on the  tray.

"Can I go now" I asked

"No,come here,take a seat"he said

" But -" I started to say but he cut me off

"But nothing, come take a seat" he snapped

I obeyed immediately ,i knew not to argue because I could sense he was in a pretty bad mood. I sat down quietly beside him avoiding his intense stare.

"My mum wants me to get married to my ex-girlfriend who cheated on me with my best friend."he said suddenly.

I looked at him at him surprised that he opened up and told me this shocking revelation.
I searched my brain for what to say.

"Am sorry?!" I said unsure.

 Suddenly he faced me and slammed his lips against mine. I too shocked to do anything,damn his lips are so soft,I want this but he is my boss I can't.
I quickly snapped back to reality and  pushed he away and stood up to leave.

He stopped me by grabbing my hand,
"Am sorry about that" he apologized
I just stood there waiting for him to let me hand go so I can leave,I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the kiss.

"It's okay, please let me go" I said
He release my hands and I left the room hurriedly.

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In Love With A Prince✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon