Chapter 31

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Anderson took the kids outside while I went to the kitchen to get dessert for all of us.

I won't lie but the talk I had with Anderson has put me in a great peace of mind. The hate I feel for how he abandoned me when i was pregnant and needed him the most had faded away. I admit that the love I had for him still exist and even grew more as I watched the kids play with their dad pulling his hair and telling him to teach them how to swim.

Till now I never noticed but as I look closer I see how much the kid miss a father image in their lives although Martin was always around from time to time but as I see it now it's looks like they both knew Martin was not their biological father even after we made them think that.

"Why are you just standing there watching us, come and sit" Anderson's voice startled me out of my deep thought.

"Yes mummy,come" the twins supported.

I walked over to them as I was about to sit on a chair beside Anderson when I heard Julian said

"Don't sit there mum ,sit on dad's lap"

"Where did you....."

"Don't question, just Listen to your son Malia ,you don't want him getting sad" Anderson said grinning evilly.

" Fine" I walked over and sat in Anderson's lap and watch how the  kids started cheering loudly.

"Stop,that's enough"a tiny of red staining my cheeks.

"Now go play all we want ,it's bed time soon"

The kids ran off to play by the pool while I stayed in a comfortable silence in the arms of Anderson.

An hour later

"Alright kids,its bed time" I said

"But mom we just got here" Juliana whined

"I don't want to any augment from any of you, it's bed time" I said sternly

They looked at Anderson with puppy eye wanting him to help them out of the situation,I knew he would caved into their requests because there is really no one who could resist it. But one glare from me changed his mind.

"Alright kids I can't help you in this one, you need to listen to your mum"

The way their face fell made my heart ache,I hate seeing my babies sad but they need to go to bed.

They both followed me into the house with Anderson who helped me in bathing the kids and tuck them into bed, Anderson read bedtime stories for them while I stood by and watch the fall asleep ,as soon as the kids fell asleep ,we took turns and kissed their forehead before turning to leave the room , switched off the lights and left the room.

Anderson headed to the bedroom while I went downstairs to get water to drink.

I got the a bottle from the fridge and turned  to leave the kitchen when I collided with someone as I looked up to apologise I found out it was..


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