Chapter 13

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1 month later


After the hot sex I had with Anderson a month ago,things have been going quite well for us. We are finally and officially dating 'secretly'.

I was in the laundry room doing some laundries  and  thinking of how Anderson is such a bad influence on me,we sneak up on each other to kiss when no one is watching or have quick sex which I enjoy alot.

I smiled gleefully  at the memory before I felt the urge to puke.

I rushed into a nearby bathroom to empty my stomach of the breakfast I just ate. This has been happening to me for a few days now, I puke after eating anything, I get tired easily,most especially I feel dizzy and drowsy when I work too hard, probably I have a bug. I need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

At the Hospital.

I approach the receptionist to ask about my appointment luckily for me it was Anderson's family hospital so it was easy to book an appointment.

"I booked an appointment with Dr Wayne. I am Malia Brown"

"Oh Miss Brown, Dr Wayne is expecting you, this way please"the nurse replied

She leads me to Dr Wayne's office.
"Here is it"she said smiling

"Thanks a lot"

She nodded before she turned around and left.

'Knock knock'

"Come in" a deep voice said answered 

I open the door and walk in to  see a very handsome doctor typing on his laptop.

"You must be doctor Wayne.My name is Malia Brown"

"I know, take a seat"he says

I took a seat.

" Doctor I have been puking a lot for the past few days,( she mentions symptoms of pregnancy...Sorry i don't know much😣. I have never been pregnant before🤷).My guess is a bug I think I just need a drug prescription and I will be fine"

He looked at me long and hard before speaking
" I don't think it's a bug,we will run some test but I think those are symptoms of pregnancy"

I opened my mouth, shocked
" WHAT?I AM PREGNANT?No no, I can't be pregnant"

" Relax,let's not conclude too soon yet until I receive the test results,so for now i will direct you to a nurse who will tell you what to do so we can run the test"

He took the telephone on the table and dailed a number.

' Ring Ring'

'Picks up'

"I need you in my office right away"

"Okay Doctor"

'Hangs up'

Few minutes later the nurse came in and conducted the pregnancy test.

At the end it was confirmed that I am indeed pregnant.

Back to the Palace.

I went straight to my room and sat down at a corner crying,
How can I be pregnant,I mean I am to young to be pregnant,mum will be so disappointed in me,I hope she will be able to forgive me, should I tell Anderson?. Am so worried on how he would react about the news,Should I tell him?Maybe I should,he deserves to know.

I stood up and went to see Anderson, luckily for me I found him in his room


He looked up from his phone  at me then he stood up and started kissing me on my lips and neck. I moaned he knew the exact soft spot on my neck.

Oh God I need to stop this and concentrate.


He ignores my warning and continued sucking on my soft spot .

"Anderson we need to talk"

Again he ignores me.

"I am pregnant and it's yours"

He suddenly froze and looked at me straight in the eye.

"You are what??!!"

"I amm pregnant and it's you__

His bedroom door bust open and his mother rushed in and gave me a hard slap.

"Don't you dare finish that statement. After every thing I have done for you,I gave you a job,I gave you a place to stay under my roof is this how you pay me by whoreing yourself to my son ,by seducing him to get you pregnant?!!!"she shouted so loud,my ears are about to explode.

I just stood still holding my face while crying.

"No Your Majesty. it's nothing like th__"

"Shut your mouth,that bastard in your stomach is not my son's baby,you just want to get him to marry you, stupid gold digger" she said then she turned and faced her son.

" Is the child yours Anderson?"

" I don't know mum,I don't think so"

What!! I can't believe Anderson will betrayal me like this,i trusted him ,how can he deny this after everything?.

"You heard my son the child isn't his,now get out of my  house and never come back!?"

" Mum can I talk to you in private for a moment?"

She looks at me for a minute before walking out with her son.

An hour later they both came in before the Queen ordered me to follow her. I followed her still crying.

"After thorough interrogation,my son has finally admitted the child is his."

I exhale in relief,his not that heartless after all. The next thing she said surprised me.

"I want you to abort that bastard in your stomach because my son will never accept you and that child. He won't even marry"she said.

She brought out something from her drawer and wrote something down before handing it over to me,more like throwing it at me.

"That is a cheque of 10million. Take that and abort that baby and disappear from my house and my son's life and never come back".

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