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Elizabeth's POV...

I wonder what my parents are doing right now. I know how much they love me and yet I broke them. It hurts so much knowing I had caused them pain. But what can I do? I wanted to live and have a life according to my own will. I will never ever let myself be hindered by other's decision. I know they are my parents and they wanted the best for me. But they should give me the chance to explore the world outside... let me learn from my own mistakes and stand on my own ground. I never wish to commit and get bind into a patched up marriage the way how my friends did from the persuasion of their parents who always decide for their life. Some of them are happy while others are still coping with their current situation and I find it terrorizing. I can't sit still and do nothing and be one of them. I can make my own fate. I can decide my own journey.

Why do some parents have to be so selfish that their daughter's happiness seems nothing to be considered? They are just more after of merging wealth as an assurance of success. It is more like selling their daughter's freedom and rights in exchange of power and dominance.

I remember my friend Rosemarie...


"Hey Liz! Can I tell you something? I don't have someone to trust... I've only got you."

"Well, of course Rose, anytime. You know I'll always be here to listen. Any problem?"

"I had an unplanned acquaintance with a guy. We became so special to each other that we sometimes go on a date... secretly. Don't judge me Liz. He is far different from those I know. He may not be as wealthy as my parents wanted in a man for me to marry but he seems the world to me that no one can offer. You know, this is hard for me. We can't always stay this way. I use to sneak out and make excuses just to see him. We are trying hard to conceal our relationship as much as possible. You know my parents. They wanted me to marry one of their friends' son which I believe I'm not going to be happy I swear I can't be. I don't care about the money nor the fame. I don't want to disappoint them but I don't even want to become miserable. I want to be in the arms of the one I chose to be with for the rest of my life!"

"I see. You sound truly head over heels inlove with this guy, huh... Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I am sorry to hear you're in this kind of agony. I hope one day your parents will realize how much your happiness worth compare to their wealth. Keep safe Rose. Remember I'm on your side. You deserve so much! Be careful."

"Thanks Liz. You have made me feel more than alright. I feel so guilty going against my parents' will but I can't compromise my life. I cannot live with someone I don't love and who doesn't feel anything for me. I don't want to spend my life with someone who only see me as a dime. That would be hell!"

"Rosemarie, follow your heart. Maybe, your parents will understand your feelings. Maybe, time will come they'll understand what you're going through. Of all the people in the world, they should be the one to protect you and give comfort to your heart. It is never a crime, Rose, to follow your own dream. We make mistakes but then we have all the rights and chances to make up for them and you know what's the best part? We learn from the errors and we improve our minds."

" I really thank the heaven for giving me such a wonderful friend. I love you, Liz! I know, at least, that there is someone who understands me more than my parents can ever do... Hey, I need to hang up now. Don't want to get caught. I'm afraid someone might eavesdrop."

"Okay, just be safe. Bye Rose... anytime!"

End of flashback.

That was the last time we had ever talked. I haven't seen her then. I've never heard anything more about her until one day I woke up attending a funeral. It was hers. I cried a lot. I couldn't believe that she will ever think of getting suicide. It was grave. She's the only true friend I had back then. I knew she was having a hard time fighting for herself and the man she really loved. Maybe it was unbearable for her to be in between the man of her life and the parents who gave her life. Her heart was torn and broken. She was very young... we were only both sixteen that time....

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