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James' POV...

Two weeks after the scene we had at the funeral parlor... no, I mean at our office hallway, I never had the chance to speak with her. I was out of town for a week and when I had returned I was occupied with tons of paperworks to revise. If ever I needed something for her to do, I just send my message by email and most of them were just some data to be encoded in spreadsheets or to re-type the documents I have already revised.

It was not that I was too chicken to face her and have a talk. I was only doing what is best. And when did the great James Anderson lose his nerves? Never in a milliom years. I just didn't want to be the talk of the building. I knew that most of my employees had took it wrongly. Perhaps they assumed that I was pursuing my personal assistant. With all those flowers I sent, what else would they think about? I didn't know that they will be brought here in my own empire. Hah! If I hadn't let my cousin do half of that job, I might have had discovered that it was her, beforehand.

But I must admit that behind the revelation, I felt like the heaven caressed my heart. I was honestly attracted to her. But this time I don't know if I can still prolong this sensation. I wanted to but I should stop this. She is my personal assistant and I am the one who set rules to myself about not making any affair with my constituents aside from the other rules that my father had set. Putting walls around me gives me the esteem of bearing the personality I built, intact. No one can step on the borderline.

But she, of all my people, has the guts to go against my commands. Whether she's my personal assistant or the girl I knew at the party, both give me only one impression of her. She is the ultimate stubborn woman I knew in my existence! She cannot be easily shaken. But still, why do I feel like she has something that I must hold on to? No matter how I consider her like any of those random girls that I was attracted, she has something so compelling that I cannot set aside. She has evoked a profound interest in me that I have found disturbing lately and it wasn't the first time I ever had that kind of feeling. It was like her appearance held me captivated and then I was brought back into a memory I had wished I 've already forgotten. Enjoying the company and playing with easy women, candidly speaking, is adventurous and had made me believed I had succesfully overcome a feeling from the past. I thought I had tossed it away. But the moment I saw this stubborn yet compelling woman, every emotion that beleaguered my heart was restored like a flash of lightning in an instant and it was very frustrating. This is so wrong.

I was in a deep contemplation in my office when my phone rang.

"Good morning Mr. James Anderson speaking... what a pleasure to hear you Mr. Cheng. Yes... I will make myself available... I do apologize for the last time I wasn't able to meet you. Ah! Yes! Of course, I will. Okay, let us meet today. Thank you so much and good day!"

That was the Chinese owner of a famous restaurant in town that I had made a deal for investing his shares. I admitted, my personal assistant really did a great job that day. Now I need to see the old man but he demanded to bring with me my assistant because he said... he promised something to her??? What was that? Did she seduce the old man to give in? Hey! That is intolerable!

Wait, what time is it now? It's already eleven twenty. Okay, I need to notify her. Should I tell it directly? It's not that I cannot knock at her door, walk in, face her and talk to her. It is just that I am not in the mood. No... I should admit. It's because I cannot guarantee myself that I might not do anything stupid to her. Because the scene of her body is still here... inside my head.

Okay... let's do it!

"Miss Hemmington, I will be meeting Mr. Cheng at one o'clock. Prepare youself and come with me."

After speaking in the intercom, I released the button.


Elizabeth's POV...

YOU'LL ALWAYS COME BACK TO ME... Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant