Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I M A N I ' S > POV

"Can you go to the store for me Imani!" my mother yells up the stairs.

"Yes, momma," I yell back despite the fact that I don't want to. I have 2 other sisters why can't they go? Because I'm the oldest.

I get up and throw on a pair of jeans and a thrasher hoodie. I grab my phone and my headphones and walk downstairs.

"Took you long enough Mani."

"Sorry, momma. I had to change."

"It's okay, listen there should be at least $30 on the EBT card. You know what to get?"

"Yes, momma. I got it. I love you."

"Love you too."

I play my music loud but low enough to where I can hear the birds chirping and wind blowing.

I don't live in a nice place honestly. I live in the hood. Ran down abandoned houses. Crack heads around every corner. But I wouldn't change it for the world. This is where I grew up. Where my sisters and I had our first fight. Everything happened her.

Yes, sometimes I wish we didn't live here. Along with the good times, there is also a lot of pain that comes with it. Like when dad left. That was probably the worst day of my life. I still remember while my sisters were too young to remember.

Only me and mom bare the pain. I was 9 when he left. Meaning that it was 9 years ago. My sisters were 2 and 6. I am now 17 years old. My sisters Lisa and Mariah are now 14 and 11.

You would think that that day he left would start to fade away, considering the fact that I was so young but no. It's still there. Everything he's done to mom I remember it all. Him putting his hands on her to him leaving, I remember it all.

Dancing to my music as I walk to the store to get out of my thoughts. Every time I think about it I want to cry. Looking around I notice miss Garcia sitting down inside of her yard. Miss Garcia is a little old woman who used to babysit me and my sisters when my mom was at work.

"Hello, Miss. Garcia." I say still jamming to my music.

"Hello, Imani."

As I'm walking to the store I pass 3 dudes. 2 of them start calling for me.

"Aye!? Big booty." I roll my eyes at this while I ignore him and continue to dance and walk to the store.

"Aye girl with the thrasher hoodie!" still ignoring him I finally get to into the store.

Grabbing everything I need for the house, I didn't notice that 1 out of the 3 dudes followed me into the store. Not the one that spoke but the other one.

He was light skin and tall. I wasn't really paying much attention to him. I've never really been into dudes. Don't get me wrong I'm not a lesbian or anything I just never really bothered with boys growing up. I mean I've had boyfriends but it was nothing serious. I have only fell in love once and that was with my bestfriends brother. Awe but that was years ago. I was only 13 when it happened, meaning that it probably wasn't even love I'm the only girl in my school that dudes can say that they haven't slept with. I'm still a virgin.


Giving the things I need to the cashier so he can scan everything.

"$15.62," he says.

"I'll be paying with debt." I say giving him the card.

"It's denying it. Insufficient funds."

"But momma said there should be at least $30 on it."

"I'll try again Imani." he scans the card again but still the same thing.

"I guess I'll just put all this stuff back." I sign as I get ready to grab everything and put it back.

"I'll pay for it." someone says and I turn around and see the light skin dude that was with the other dude from earlier.


"I got you." he says as he walks up to the counter and pulls out a stack of cash. He put $300 on the counter and then gives another $100 to the cashier. I gasp, confused as to why he would give me so much money.

"Give her the change," he says as he walks out of the store. I can't just let him leave like that.

The cashier gives me the change and I grab the $300 and put it in my back pocket. I ran after him, hoping he will still be outside of the store. To my luck he was.

"Hey what's your name?" I ask him before he walks across the street.

"Malique. But everyone knows me as MD."

I was able to get a really good look at him. I could see his muscles sticking through his white t-shirt. His eyes were a dark brown just like mine. Being so close to him I see he isn't as tall as I thought but still much taller than me.

"Well thank you for that. You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to.. But aye I gotta go, put your number in my phone and I'll hit you back later." I nod my head and he gives me his phone. I put my number in it and I give him his phone back. "You'll be receiving a call from me very soon." he winks at me and runs across the street to do whatever it is that he needed to do.

Getting back to the house I tell mom that I got lucky and that I found $400. She would never accept the fact that a stranger gave me $400 so I had to lie. Going upstairs to check on my sister and play around with them for a little while before I start my homework.

2 hours later I'm finally done with my homework and dinner is ready. I go downstairs and we sit at the kitchen table and eat. We do a little chit chat talking about school. Well they do, I just sit there and listen, which I'm barely doing.

I don't like talking about school. I don't have any friends. The school is filled with a bunch of females and males and drama. Not for me. I don't have time for the drama. So in school, I'm to myself and don't talk to no one. I sit by myself at lunch. I know pathetic but I don't really care. As I said, I don't want the drama. As much as I try I still get the stares and the whispers when I walk past.

When I get done with dinner I wash my plate and go upstairs in my room to get ready for a shower. I check my phone and there he was. Texting me.

(text messages)

Unknown: Hey, ma. This MD.

Me: Hey, Malique.

Malique: What are you doing.

Me: Bout to get in the shower. What about you?

Malique: Bout to be done working. Awe
So you taking a shower ;)

Me: Lmaoo. Yes, I am.

Malique: What are you doing tomorrow?

Me: I have school and then nothing.

Malique: I'll pick you up from school tomorrow and we will do something.

Me: Okay. I just have to ask my mom but she should be okay with it."

Malique: Great I'll pick you up whenever it ends."

Me: Do you not go to school? How old are you?"

Malique: Naw not no more. Some stuff happened and I couldn't do it anymore. 18 wbu?"

Me: 17. Well look I'll see you tomorrow I'll let you get back to work. Bye.

Malique: See you later mamas."

(end of messages)

Wow if momma knew he didn't go to school and I was even talking to him she would flip out. I wonder what he does that he has all that money.

With that thought still on my mind, I get in the shower and do my regular shower routine. When I get out the shower I change into something comfortable to wear to sleep (sweats and no shirt).

I finally drift off into sleep with Malique on my mind.

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