Chapter 8 ~ Alvah's Evil Plan

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In Zeta's lair, Alvah was sneaking his way to the lab filled with computers where the group of engineers are working on. He quickly and quietly sat on the chair and hacked into the code, clicking the buttons as he made the target hit 2 islands aiming for the bird and pig citizens inside their homes, restaurants, etc and outside. He then covered the images to make it look like they are only aiming towards the island and villages.

"Watta!" he grinned and closed the tab, shutting down the computer and left like nothing happened.

As he was walking, he started to have some memories. About his family and his life before he was like this when he was a teenager and was hanging out with his friends the red and blue macaws. It was a happy moment he could ever have and he trusts them with all their heart. That is until one day, the fire suddenly started out of nowhere. All the animals and birds were desperately trying to escape and protect their loved ones. But then his parents were stuck in the tree surrounded by fire and he tried to save them and called for help of his friends. There's no one who's coming to help and he felt as if his hopes were fading away and that's when he saw his blue macaw friend. His friend swooped in and helped him save his parents, but the worst is that the tree branch was too strong for them to remove from the whole that his parents are in. They told them that they have to go and leave them for them to get a good life. Alvah refused to and desperately kept on trying and that is when he was pulled away by his blue macaw friend and took him leaving his parents die into the fire with their sad smiles and waves. He felt as if his world was crushed and when he and his friend landed safely away from his family and fire. Alvah started  to blame his friend for letting them die and he was so angry. His friend tried to convince him that it was for his own good to protect him and that he understand that his family didn't want him to die and want to have a life. 

That one part he remembered that's one of his favorite is when Alvah doesn't believe him and started to tackle him by his talons, choking him, scratching him, and punching him nonstop until he stopped moving. This caused him to stop hurting his friend and was shocked to find the blue macaw he had made friends with dead. All bruised and scratched with blood coming out. When he first look at the blood from his wound he felt as if his mind has changed into full insanity and blood lust without regret or sorrow. He wanted to feel ashamed but his mind had already taken over and started to ferociously eat the blue macaw. Alvah had never felt as if he had gone crazy with a malicious smile on his face. He had never tasted the bird before. He wanted more and started to kill every last bird including the red and blue macaws even his own kind without mercy or sympathy. All for power. He was so excited and wanted to destroy everything. That's when he turned evil and was planning to make sure every other birds is dead. He even remembered that one time he had let one blue macaw escape. Alvah was angry and promised that he will find that bird.

His mind went back to reality as he found himself by the super weapon as he looked at it feeling excited for all the things he had planned.

"Even if I can't find that blue macaw, I will make sure everyone suffer and they will bow down before me. No one can ever stop me. No one. No happily ever after.. I will crush them all.."

He started to quietly laugh. Even if it's bad, he feels as if it's great to be bad. Suddenly, he heard some talking in the distance and looked up to see the red, silver, and blue birds on top of the volcano. But his eyes landed on the certain female blue macaw.

"So you're here. Alive I see... Perfect..! Although, she looks pretty.." he laughed as if things will be interesting.

"I will finally kill you in my grasp to show everyone who I am. This will be the last time you ever first see me, pretty bird..." he smirked as darkness covered him up.

Meanwhile, Red was tired and was completely out of energy as he made it to the top.

" the top...of the super weapon. Check!"

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