Chapter 11 ~ Final Countdown

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(Play the music)

You and Leonard began to skate backward as he spun her before dipping her. They skated forward to help them go faster to the lever. Y/N had never felt so amazed with his dancing moves, feeling calm and graceful. Her heart began to beat. Leonard then did a quad toe loop; landed perfectly and you did the same and landed perfectly as well.

Courtney and Garry watched in amazement as the partners of the pig and bird ice danced. At that moment, Leonard went his triple axle holding her up by the waist in air for a second and landed perfectly once again. He brought her back to the ice ground as they held hands. Leonard then did the camel sit spin combination, shocking Y/N with his amazing perfection and he got back up to skating.

You had no words to say as he winked at you. Her heart felt warm just seeing him ice dance as he did a quad flip. Y/N then tried to do the triple axle but ended up doing the triple lutz on accident; surprisingly perfect but when you landed you started to slip and was about to fall. Leonard quickly grabbed her hand and lifted her back up; made her face him as they were close. Too close to kissing each other. He held her by the waist with one hand while the other held her hand as you held him by the waist as well. To their final dance, he spun her around and stopped; turned her around for her to face him again. They then did the tango and stopped their skating as they held each other still, gazing into each other's eyes, looking tired from the ice dance.

It was a moment for as they were about to kiss if it wasn't for Garry interrupting them by clearing his throat.

"Guys, we're here."

They turned to see the big ice lever.

"Ah um...great we made it." Leonard said softly pulling himself away from Y/N, blushing.

Y/N said nothing beside blushing from the beautiful dance she made with him. They then turn to the lever as Garry explained his plan.

"If my calculation are correct, we should be tall enough to get to that lever all four of-" he was knocked down by the giant lava ice ball as he yelped.

"Garry?" Leonard called and looked down along with you and Courtney to see him dangling in the ice ledge but with his butt showing up and his outfit was stuck to it exposing him.

The girls covered their eyes while Leonard cringed.

"Uh..hang in there!"

"Leonard! Courtney!" Y/N yelled to see another giant lava ice ball coming straight towards them.

The trio quickly dodged it. After it was gone, they looked back up to the lever.

"Okay, new plan." he said.


Before Red and Silver went inside the ice ball, Zeta, Alvah, and Debbie were celebrating to see the final countdown as Debbie ran over to get some glitters and other along with Alvah so he could go see you and kill you immediately without them knowing. But as they went inside they were shocked and angry to see the floater deflated with broken ice.

"Zeta! We..have a problem.." she said showing the two deflated floaters.

"They're gone!!" Alvah screamed in anger.

"Oh my God! Augh! Go find them!" Zeta yelled as Alvah happily flew off.

Now back to Red and Silver as they were already inside the giant ice ball. They made it roll until they saw the lava about to pour it in the ice ball.

"Oh no!"

"Lava injectors!!"

Red quickly moved the ice ball out of the way by the edge of the ledge, looking down in fear that they were about to fall. The lava only hit the ice ball for a bit until they were free from the lava injector and went back into the ledge before rolling it to go faster.

The Last Blue Macaw 2 (Red x Reader x Leonard)Where stories live. Discover now