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The family had found themselves in the courtyard once again. The rain was still pouring down, Vanya making sure that Annalise was tucked under her umbrella with her; she really didn't want her to get sick. Annalise glanced over to see Klaus with a pink umbrella and smiled to herself, snickering inwardly.

They were all standing in a half-circle, facing Luther with the urn in his hands.

"Did something happen?" their robot Mom asks with her dazzling smile. Everyone turns to look at her, confusion visible on their faces.

"Dad died, remember?" Allison reminds her.

"Oh, yes, of course."

"Is Mom okay?" Allison asks Diego.

"Yeah, yeah. She's fine," he responds, "She just needs to rest. You know, recharge."

It was then that Pogo walked up, an umbrella in one hand and his cane in the other.

"Whenever you're ready, dear boy." Pogo tells Luther.

Luther looks down at the urn and tries his hardest to mentally prepare himself to let his father go. He takes the lid off and turns it upside out, the entirety of the ashes falling to a pile on the wet ground. Annalise's brows raise, this is it?

Luther looks up at everyone awkwardly, "Probably would've been better with some wind." he says gruffly.

After a beat, Pogo asks, "Does anyone wish to speak?"

The siblings all look very uncomfortable, so Annalise steps forward, still looking down at the small pile on the ground.

"I remember... when I had been playing in the practice room, and one time Papa had come down to visit me. I thought it was to listen in on my music; since it had been my own song and I had almost finished it, but instead he yelled at me." Her head tilts and her brows scrunch together, her mind had been replaying the scene in her head over and over again, and she felt that maybe if she said something it would go away.

"I had skipped breakfast that day, spent the day composing in the practice room, and instead of just finding me that morning, he had to wait until later in the day. He made me train on my own until early in the morning, much harder than usual. I remember being so tired, but he just kept pushing and yelling, ordering me to do the exercise perfectly. All the while he had been taking notes in his stupid book. That night, I realized that he didn't see himself as our father, but merely a researcher keeping up with his work."

She finished and looked up to see everyone looking at her sadly. This happened after Five had left, so he was more surprised than anything, that she had gotten herself in so much trouble. The rest of the siblings, though, had known of that night, it was hard not to. They could hear the yelling from their bedrooms, and they hadn't been able to get much sleep because of it.

Annalise quickly stepped back into Vanya's embrace, ready to get out of the cold. Pogo slowly stepped forward, "Erm, anyone else?"

No one responded, so he continued, "In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master, and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy-"

"He was a monster," Diego cuts Pogo off and Klaus laughs, "He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him."

"Diego-"Allison says in attempts to stop him.

"My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had Mom do it."

Mom speaks up then, "Would anyone like something to eat?"

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