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Annalise laid on the floor of a motel room, her body burning in pain as she crawled to Eudora laying on the floor in front of her. Her blood-soaked hand reached out to push the hair from the woman's face.

"D-Detective Patch, open your eyes" she cried, "I don't want to be alone, I'm scared."

It all happened so fast.

Annalise turned and saw Cha-Cha aiming her gun right at her. She let out an ear-piercing scream, making a copy beside Cha-Cha and shoving her. Though she wasn't quick enough to stop her from pulling the trigger.

The bullet sped from the barrel and straight through Eudora, her body slowing the bullet and breaking it into fragments as they flew into Annalise's chest.

The force sent Annalise flying to the ground, leaving her gasping for breath as her mind began to scream in agony. The gun clattered to the ground as Eudora fell to her knees, before collapsing to the floor. Annalise couldn't move, she felt white hot searing everywhere. She faintly heard footsteps walking past her, mumbling, and more footsteps rushing out of the room.

Her mind flashed through the procedures that had been drilled into her head by her father. 'Apply pressure to the wound, use an occlusive dressing to prevent air from entering the wound.' Her shaky hands flew to her chest, pressing down and feeling the warm blood soaking through her dress.

She let out a cry as the pain became ten times more intense, her body begging for it to stop-

"Klaus? Annalise?"

Diego stops at the doorway, seeing Annalise and Eudora sprawled on the floor, blood surrounding the both of them. He rushes into the room, pulling his gloves off.

"No no no, Eudora! Annalise! No!" Annalise cries harder as Diego falls to the floor beside them. He turns Eudora over, crying when he sees her vacant expression. He knew he couldn't save her now, anger filling his veins as all he could do was bang his fists onto the ground.

He lifts her head trying to hold her close, "I was on my way. I was..."

"Why didn't you wait?" he asks quietly as tears slide down his face. Sirens begin to sound, getting louder as they near the motel. Annalise watches the flashing lights through the window, as Diego glances at the blood covering her hand. His eyes trail down, seeing the crimson slowly spreading over her torso and another sob escapes his lips.

"Annalise-" he feels helpless as his world begins to crash all around him.

"Diego, It h-hurts," She stutters out, "Je veux rentrer chez moi."

Diego stands, grabbing his things from the floor, and a receipt he sees sitting on the dresser. He bends down and scoops up Annalise. He knew he couldn't waste time; she needed to get to the Academy before she bleeds out.

He looks to Eudora for the last time, "I gotta go, okay? I can't be here when they come, okay?"


Diego rushed into the doors of the Academy, calling for Pogo as Annalise's head bobbed back and forth.

"Pogo! Pogo- Stay awake Annalise, you're gonna be okay. Pogo!"

The monkey hobbled into the room, seeing the state of the two and leading them into the depths of the building, he was going to do everything he could to save the girl.


Diego made his way back to his room under the gym, readying his fists for Five's face. After he made sure Pogo could save Annalise, he left. On the off chance he couldn't, Diego decided it would be best for him to not be there to see it. He couldn't take losing another person.

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