Chapter 7 - Devon's true colours

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Adonis came back on stage and announced that there are  food at the back and that we are welcome to enjoy some. Cynthia walked over to one of the tables and I followed her. She had on a purple dress that I haven't seen before. Her hair was straightened and she looked a lot better than earlier. I touched her arm from behind to get her attention. She was startled and quickly jumped around to face me.

"Hey! It's just me. What's up with you?" I asked as her body continued to tremble.

I put my hands over her forearms to steady her and my eye caught something. There was a blue bruise on her left forearm in the shape of fingers. She yanked her arms away and turned her body away from me. She dropped her sausage on the ground when I touched her shoulder again and pulled her away from the crowd to talk to her.

"Did Devon do this to you?" I asked while slowly rubbing my thumb over the bruises on her arm as if mentally I wanted to rub the pain away.

"I don't want to talk about it." Cynthia said and turned her head away from me.

"Did he give you this dress?" I asked and tugged on the end of it.

"Yes, he did. He didn't mean to hurt me. It was an accident. Please let it go." She said uncertain of herself.

I looked around us to see if I could spot Devon somewhere. My eye caught him standing on the edge of the boat talking on his cellphone with a drink in his other hand. I left Cynthia and marched over to him. When I approached him he stood with his back towards me, unaware that I was there.

"Yes, these hoes are so easy on this boat. I'm telling you man, we could make a living out of this." He said to the person on the opposite side of the phone. He turned around while talking and then noticed me.

"Listen man, got to go." He said quickly and hung up before shoving his phone into his trousers's pocket.He had on sunglasses and his shirt under his blazer was unbuttoned at the top so far that you could see his many chest hair. There hung two gold chains around his neck on his bare skin. The music began to play in the distance from the next item starting. It was really dark and nobody could actually see us or hear us.

"I demand you to leave my sister alone. You are an embarrassment to man kind. How could you hurt someone you barely know?" I confronted Devon.

"Listen, I really do not have time or energy to deal with a nobody like you. Please make way so I can go back to my seat." He said and pushed me out of the way to walk past. I grabbed his blazer and pulled him backwards towards me.

"No! You won't treat me that way. I demand you to.." I couldn't finish my sentence before he swung around and stormed angrily towards me causing me to step backwards. We stood on the edge of the deck and there was only a small railing between me and the ocean.

"I am not somebody you want to mess with. I know very bad people in very bad places. Are you sure you want to walk down this path to make me your enemy?" He asked very slowly. His face was inches from mine and I could smell the whiskey on his breath. There was satisfaction in his eyes as he threatened me.

"I am not scared of you and I will report you too the management if you don't leave me and my sister alone." I said firmly and with confidence without moving my face away from his. He laughed and slowly turned around to walk away. I leaned forward from the position I was in while he stood in front of me. I was ready to return to my seat when he suddenly turned around and pushed me with all his strength on my upper body. I felt a sharp pain in my rib cage where his hands hit me before the coldness of the ocean covered my whole body and head. I realized what had happened and struggled to get my head above the water. I kicked hard to keep my body surfaced but my shoes shot through the water instantly until they fell off my feet and sunk into the deep dark ocean. I could manage to swim a bit better. I opened my eyes and looked around me. The ship's lights looked like small stars by the time I spot them. There was no way that I could swim back to the boat and I couldn't see anything around me. This was the end. I am dying a painful death by drowning.

"Please! Help me!" I shouted into the sky over and over again and closed my eyes as I prayed.

My arms and legs got so tired and I took turns resting my legs and then my arms but it didn't help much because my head kept going underwater and I struggled to hold my breath. Half an hour passed, which felt like an eternity, and I couldn't get my body to move anymore. I took one last breath before I stopped paddling and relaxed my body. I went underwater instantly and it became quiet and peaceful unlike the waves smashing above. I thought about my mother and my sister and how much I loved them just before the water filled my lungs and I had tunnel vision and passed out.

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