Chapter 8 - Not the way we planned

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Cynthia'a POV

Sammy was really angry before she left me. I hope she doesn't find Devon. I took myself a new sausage after I dropped the one while my sister tugged on my shoulder. The next event was about to start again and I walked over to the seating area and took my place. The lights dimmed and the music start playing. I looked over to where Sammy were sitting before, only to find an empty seat. I wonder where she could be? The stage filled with dancers and my eye caught someone with a white suit rushing towards the rooms. It was Devon. I slowly got up and followed him, trying hard not to be seen. He stopped in front of his cabin. I hid behind the wall and eavesdropped as he made a phone call.

"Man, I'm getting off the next stop. Be there to pick me up. Bye." He said and hung up before he entered his room. The door closed behind him with a bang. I decided to leave him alone, maybe Sammy was right. He is a douche bag and I don't think he thinks much of me.

I went back to the show and sat in my place to find that Sammy's chair was still empty. I figured she was still looking for Devon.

The cabin were also empty when I went back after the show was finished. Sammy must be really angry at me. I fell asleep on top of my covers from being exhausted.

The sun shown into the small window on the wall, directly onto my face. I blinked a few times until my eyes focused on Sammy's bed opposite mine. It was made like the night before. I didn't think to much because I slept really late and Sammy could've come in when I was asleep and left when I haven't woken up yet. I was still in the dress from the night before so I decided to take a shower before going to look for Sam and apologize. I took a shower and put on jeans and a shirt before heading outside to the deck. Everyone sat at the tables on the deck and around the pool except Sam. I couldn't find Devon either. The captain announced over the loud speaker that we will be arriving at the next island in about thirty minutes. I decided to wait at the exit point for Sammy.

We could feel the motion of the waves as the ship sailed ashore. I stood by the front gate to wait for everyone to get off. Couples and families walked off the ramp onto the land one by one. Everybody passed except Devon or Samantha. Adonis stood near by and noticed me looking around.

"Is everything all right? He asked as he approached me.

"I can't seem to find my sister anywhere and everyone got off already." I said in a worried tone.

"Could you have missed her? What is her name ?" He asked.

"I was here before the ship ankered. There is no other way she could have gotten off. Her name is Samantha Perdita" I told him.

"Let me get the captain to help us look. Everything will be all right." Adonis assured me.

I nodded and watched the little waves at the bottom of the ship as he walked away. Five minutes went by and I heard the captain announced over the loudspeaker that Samantha Perdita must come to the main stage on deck. Devon came from the cabin area and walked to where I was standing. I prepared myself for talking to him but he completely avoided me and aimed to rush past to get on the ramp. I stepped in front of him before he could get past me.

"Have you seen my sister?" I asked while looking him in the eye.

"No, now please move so I can go. I have somewhere very important to be." Devon said to me and indicated with his hand that I must move. I stepped backward for him to pass. He tucked on his tie and walked off the ramp.

Adonis came to me just after Devon left.

"She did not respond to our announcement. We have called the search party to come and look for her. Are you hundred percent sure your sister did not leave the ship with the other because it will be a criminal offence if you give false statements." Adonis asked me.

"Yes I'm sure. I haven't seen her since last night. She didn't even finish the show or came to bed." I said concerned.

"Please come with me to the bridge to give your statement." Adonis said and walked towards the captain's cabin.

Two officers entered the room where I was sitting half an hour later.

"Good day Miss..?" The first officer asked.

"Perdita.." I quickly answered. The second officer wrote on a paper that was attached to a clipboard.

"Please tell me when you discovered that your sister is missing and where you last saw her." The officer asked again.

"I couldn't find her anywhere on the ship this morning and I don't think she slept in her bed last night." I said and watched as the other officer write down every word I said.

After they have asked me a few questions they both assured me that they will do everything they can to find her before they both left the ship.

Adonis brought me a glass filled with cooldrink. I held it in my hand a few minutes before drinking it.

I was worried sick. What if she had fallen overboard and where could she be? The reality of her being dead spun around in my head. Mom wouldn't handle the news so I have to wait before telling her in case it's a false alarm.

"Do you want to stay on the ship or are you going to explore the island?" Adonis asked me softly.

"I will get off. I have to get a few things from the shops anyway." I replied him before standing up and handing him the empty glass. He took it from me and walked with me to the ramp.

The island was beautiful. There were flowers and plants everywhere and all the buildings were painted white. They had a little flea market next to the road where people are selling paintings and creative flowerpots. I walked past everything to a little shop in the corner. I bought chap-stick and mints before heading back to the ship. I felt too sick to my stomach to walk any further.

The whole day went by without a word from the police or a trace from Samantha so I decided to call my mother with the news. I sat on the bed in the cabin while the phone rang twice before she picked up.

"Cynthia, How's everything?" My mother said once she answered.

"Mom.. Sammy is gone." I hesitated but said after a few seconds.

"What do you mean gone?" She asked in an irritating voice.

"I haven't seen her since last night and we couldn't find her on the ship after everybody had gotten off." I said, my voice was raspy.

"Have they called the police? Have you really looked everywhere?" She asked and I could her the panic in her voice.

"Yes. The police talked to me and they said they will contact me if they find her." I said to her while tears surfaced in my eyes for the first time.

"Please keep me updated. I love you." She said after what felt like an eternity of silence.

"I will. I love you mom." I replied and hung up before I burst out in tears. I fell backwards onto the bed and cried like a baby. All the suppressed sadness came forth and I cried about everything until I eventually fell asleep.

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