Chapter 30 - Last chance for the truth

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"May I please go outside and sit in the garden?" I begged my nurse.

"I will ask the doctor if I may take you outside." She said after a long pause.

She left and returned after a few minutes.

"The doctor said it was fine. I just have to go with you." She said. We walked together through the corridors of the hospital. We were on the first floor when I got really nausea. I didn't want her to know that I felt bad because they might keep me longer than I intended to stay so I excused myself to the bathroom.

The door had just closed behind me when I nearly made it to the toilet before I threw up.

I cleaned myself up and walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened. We went to the garden. The sun felt amazing on my skin. I missed the island and the beach so much.

"It's good to see you outside." I heard my mom say as she and Cynthia approach me.

"The doctor said I may almost go home, just a few more days." I said hopefully to her.

She gave me a hug and sat down on the bench next to me.

"So, have you thought about telling us what happened on the ship that made you fell overboard?" My mother asked after the nurse left us. They didn't trust me being alone like I was a really insane person.

"I confronted Devon, a person Cynthia met on the airplane, about hurting Cynthia." I said as I remembered what had happen. My mother swung around to look at a very nervous Cynthia.

"She had marks on her arms and didn't want to tell me what happened. I confronted Devon and when he got upset because I demanded an answer he pushed me over the railing. I don't know how I survived but I'm so glad I did otherwise I would have never met Alv..." I said and quickly stopped talking when I realized I was talking about Alvaro again and nobody believes me.

My mother raised her eyebrows at me.

"Then I would have never met these wonderful staff at the hospital." I said, trying to avoid the situation.

"Why haven't you told me about this guy? Did you know about this?" She asked Cynthia in an angry voice.

"No, No! Mother I swear I didn't know he was behind this. If I did I would have told the police." She quickly explained. I believed her.

"I will give this information to the police. Do you know what his surname is?" My mother asked while taking out her cell phone from her handbag.

We both shook our heads. She stood up and walked away from us to make a call.

Cynthia moved closer to me. She had a sad-tired look on her face and had dark circles around her eyes.

"You look terrible Cynthia. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Life is beautiful." I said and touched her forearm. The same arm that had the bruise on the night I was pushed overboard. She gave me half a smile and tugged her blond hair behind her ear.

"I have been a rough few months. I will tell you all about it when you get home. We have to spend more time together. Life is terribly short. Let's just say Rick, who works with me have made my life so much better." She said. She sounded different, not like the Cynthia I knew before.

"I was so scared. We had a fight just before you disappeared and I was afraid that I would never get the chance to apologize to you. I thought you were dea.." She said but a tear stopped her before she could finish her sentence.

"I'm back now. Everything is different. I realized on the island that chasing money and a good job is making your life miserable. It won't make you happy in life. Family and loved ones are much more important." I replied her and gave her a hug.

"The police want us to come to the station." My mother said and threw her handbag over her shoulder as she approached us again.

Cynthia stood up and hugged me before they left.

The nurse was with me seconds after they left. She said that we must go inside again because she still had some work left to do.

The next week went by slowly. I lied to Ellis everyday about my experiences on the island and he was more impressed with me every day that went by.

"Good morning. Are you ready for the big day today?" My nurse asked as she opened the curtains around my bed to find me awake already.

"I sure am." I said in an excited tone and got out of bed as quickly as I could.

Today was the day I can go home. I had one last session with Ellis before my mother and Cynthia are picking me up.

The nurse slowly took out the IV from my arm and covered the little hole with a bandage. I hated the feeling of a needle going in or out my arm but it felt really good to be free from the whole IV again. I could dress myself for the first time since I got admitted to the hospital.

I walked over to Ellis's office and paused in front of the door. I have to be careful today, if I say the wrong things they might keep me here or even worst, book me into an institution.

I knock on the door twice before slowly opening it. Ellis was sitting behind his desk like usual. He stood up excitedly and walked to the couch where we usually sit.

"I am very pleased with your progress. I won't keep you long today." He said while we both sat down.

"I am really excited to get back to my normal life." I said and got goose bumps from the thought of being miserable like I was before the island.

"There was really nobody with you on the island Samantha. I know you believe me by this time but it must have been a shock to find out you have been imagining everything." Ellis said and stared at me with pitiful eyes.

I clenched my hands into fists and my fingernails cut into my skin but I managed to smile and agree with him. My mind was still torn into two. I knew that Alvaro was with me. I saw him and touched him but on the other hand they didn't find anyone or anything on the island that proved he was there with me. I don't understand how he could hide everything so well.

"I'm a glad to be well again. Thank you for your support." I said sweetly and ready myself to stand up from the couch.

"No, thank you Samantha, you were one of my most interesting patients and you made remarkable progress." He said with a wide smile before he stood up.

We both walked towards the door and I shook his hand before leaving to my old room. 

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