Chapter 17 - Memories around the camp fire

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"It was one cold night. The wind was howling and all the animals scattered to get in their hidings. I was chopping up wood. My muscles were budging and firm on my arms." He said with a flirtatious smile. I laughed and winked at him trying to support his ego.

"The sweat was dripping from my forehead and I smelled of pure man. " He said and snorted after he heard himself say the sentence.

"The smell was so strong that it attracted a certain female. I call her... Valencia." He said and stared off into the fire with a serious look. I lifted my eyebrows in surprise of him mentioning another girl. He grinned quickly from my expression but straightened his face immediately.

"She came from behind the bushes. Sneaking up on me, ready to pounce and sink her claws into my skin. She was fierce and bold, still young. Her big eyes watched me as I worked and she probably licked her lips numerous times. I noticed her and moved slowly, but it was too late. She already had a plan and I couldn't think of one fast enough..." He explained before I interrupted him.

"Wait, was there really another human girl with you on the island?" I asked nervously.

"Valencia is a tiger. Didn't I mention it?" He said innocently to me.

I laughed and nodded before he carried on with the story.

"She jumped onto me and I fell on my back. I held the axe, which I used earlier, between us. Her teeth were inches from my face and I could smell the blood from her previous victim on her breath. She clawed me on the chest before I lifted her up and threw her a few meters away from me. She stood up defeated and growled at me one last time before she turned around and ran away into the tall grass." He told me while staring into the fire and occasionally into the dark woods.

"See?" He said and pulled his shirt open to reveal three fade scars next to each other on his chest.

"Wait, this really happened?" I asked in a panicked state.

"Didn't you ask for a true story?" He asked while covering his chest again.

"I didn't think you were serious. I felt the scars the other night but didn't think much of it." I said and blushed while thinking of our passionate time together.

"You don't have worry about her. She's the only tiger on the island and we know where we stand with each other. I'm the bigger cat and she respects me for that." He said and smiled at me.

"But I'm not bigger, or a cat!" I said and pulled the blanket tighter around myself while I nervously looked around.

Alvaro laughed and rubbed my legs with his hand over the blanket.

"I'm here to protect you, my princess." He said and winked at me.

I melted from him giving me a little nickname. He is so sweet.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked, serious again.

He nodded while staring into my eyes, the fire danced around in his iris.

"I love you, Alvaro." I said and felt butterflies in my stomach from saying the words out loud.

He was silent for a few seconds, taking in what I said to him.

"May I ask you something?" He said with a straight face.

I nodded, hoping he would because the suspense was killing me.

"Samantha. Will you marry me?" He asked me and took my legs from his lap to get onto his knee in front of me.

It took a few seconds for my brain to realise what was happening. I gasped and gave him my left hand.

"Yes, I will!" I said and covered my mouth with my other hand from surprise.

He looked around him and found a small flower on the ground, plucked it and placed it between my middle finger and ring finger.

"This is only the temporary ring until I find the diamond mine on the island." He said and smiled.

"This is perfect. I don't want anything different and you are the only one I ever want to spend my life with." I said and laughed from being overwhelmed with happiness.

"I prayed very long for this and I believe this is how our lives were meant to be. I was sent only one woman in my entire life to know exactly which the right one is." He said and sat next to me again, still holding my hands.

"I believe so too. I never found love or stuck with anyone in the real world because my life was destined to be with a man on a deserted island. It's almost too good to be true." I said and laughed loudly.

We hugged and kissed each other. This was the happiest moment in my entire life.

"The wedding will be by the waterfall. The horses and monkeys will be there too and we will write our vows to each other. It will be perfect!" I said and excitedly rubbed my hands together.

"What are vows?" Alvaro said and blushed.

"You don't know what vows are?" I asked and laughed from surprise.
"No, I'm sorry! That was one of the words that you don't learn before the age of nine." He said covering for himself and turning bright red from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. I keep forgetting. Vows is what a husband and wife promise to each other at a wedding. They promise to love each other in sickness and health, while being rich and poor. If you don't plan on doing these things, you shouldn't get married." I explained to him.

"Shall we go to sleep, fiancé'? He asked proudly.

"We shall, my fiancé" I said and took his hand as he stood up.

We went into the house and climbed into our bed.

"I keep thinking this is more of a nest than a bed with all the shavings and grass." I said while lying on Alvaro's chest.

"It's our nest." He said and hugged my naked upper body tightly.

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