Chapter 29 - To dream is to believe

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"Hi, Love. I have missed you so much." Alvaro said and gave me a tight hug.

My eyes stretched from excitement. I couldn't believe my eyes. Alvaro stood in front of me, without a shirt. He didn't have a shirt on and his tanned skin glowed in the sunlight.

"I'm so glad to see you." I said and excitedly jumped into his arms.

He caught me and swung me around.

"I've been in a terrible place. Everybody thinks you are not real and that I have made you up in my head." I said in a sad tone after he has set me down.

"Oh, my Love. You must believe them." He said while staring into my eyes.

I upsettingly took a step back.

"What are you talking about?!" I asked confused.

"I am a part of your hallucinations. I do not exist." He said perfectly calm with a friendly face.

"Don't say that! Stop it!" I yelled and grabbed my head with both hands, it hurt from the confusion.

The world started spinning and I struggled to breathe while Alvaro walked away into the ocean.

I was sweating when I woke up screaming. It was only a nightmare. The hospital was confusing me. I knew the truth and I knew what had happened on the island. They were only trying to convince me otherwise, because they didn't experience the happiness that I did.

I lay awake for a few hours thinking about everything and how my life has changed until I eventually fell asleep again.

I woke up by myself the morning after before the nurse brought my food, the same porridge from the day before. I didn't say anything and forced myself to finish it. I wanted to get out of the hospital and all their negative energy, so I had to make them think I was getting better.

The nurse came to fetch me not long after I finished my breakfast. She helped me get dressed like the day before and walked with me to Ellis. I thanked her outside his door and walked inside.

"Morning Samantha." He greeted me with a friendly smile even though I knew he thought I was insane.

"Good morning, Ellis." I said and returned an even friendlier smile and walked to the couch and sat down.

I saw a bit of a frown on his forehead as he followed me and sat down on his usual chair.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked, already writing on the pad on his lap.

"Ellis, I have seen the light. I realized that I was imagining everything on the island. I made all these characters up in my head, isn't it silly." I told him and laughed a little, hoping he would buy it.

He didn't respond, just wrote on the pad.

"I really want to go home, to my real family. My mother and sister.." I told him hoping he would let them discharge me.

"Let's just finish the week's sessions then when I'm completely satisfied with your progress I will let them discharge you." He said after writing for quite some time.

I thanked him and went back to my room. My mother and sister will be visiting again in a few hours.

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