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(adj.) bad-tempered; annoyed

After Arrax had walked me home, he left me with a kiss to the forehead. Unfortunately, he had some work to do, I'd already put him behind schedule by him staying with me in the woods for I don't even know how long, just holding me and comforting me without saying a word. It was intense how dependent I'd become, but I trusted him enough to know that he would never use my faith in him against me. 

I quickly took a shower and changed into a pair of mom denim jeans, choosing a black turtle neck shirt, I tucked it into the high waisted pants and felt much better than I had all week. Apparently letting myself feel the emotions had been beneficial, and the confident Aspen was slowly coming back to me. 

With head held high, I walked downstairs where I found Balto sitting by the table in the kitchen. His eyes met mine with so much disregard, it shocked me how obvious he was in his hatred, but it didn't really affect me. Especially not after the episode in the woods, I felt too good about myself now. A complete shift from how I felt hours before. 

"Hi Balto." I greeted and sat down right in front of him, trying to show that I truly wasn't scared of him, not even a little bit. It wasn't even because I was extremely mad at him, he had a duty to inform the Alpha, but that didn't mean that I couldn't have my fun with it. He messed with me, it would only be fair if I returned the favor after all.

"Aspen." His clipped voice announced, only adding to the humor of this situation. He really was pissed at me, as much was clear.

"What'cha doing?" The chirpiness to my tone clearly surprised him, egging him on even more, this was almost too easy. 

He cleared his throat and sat up straighter in his seat, "Nothing of your concern."

"Shame.." My sarcasm was not appreciated, but this opportunity was too good to let go of. "You know, I feel like you and I have had some misunderstandings recently, don't you agree?"

His scowl was etched onto his face, "Call it what you will, I know what you are."

"Oh, is that so?" I faked surprise, placing a hand in front of my heart, "Do tell!"

"You're a human." He stated, the smirk slowly creeping onto his lips as if he just discovered the biggest mystery of the universe. His innocence right in this moment was very entertaining to me. I knew that I wasn't acting like a true Luna, but this was my personality and I wasn't officially anything, not yet.

"You did not!" I gasped in horror, "Well, if I'm so much of a human, why don't you challenge me then?"

Balto cocked an eyebrow at me, "You know what, great idea. Get ready because I show no mercy when you choose to lie to everyo-" He stopped talking as his eyes glazed over, he must've been linked to and some part of me was worried he had to leave. I really, really wanted to kick his pathetic ass. I knew that I could, which was why I dared be so cocky about it. 

"Alpha needs help with something, but this conversation isn't done. You'll get what's coming to you, trust me human." He spat before leaving for the door. Never had I been called human before, but I mean, whatever floats his boat.  

"I really am shaking in my pants, have a nice day, Balto!" He didn't respond, but closed the door in my face instead. If I'd known it was so easy to get under his skin, then I would've done it a long time ago. 

Laughing to myself, I was interrupted by someone walking into the kitchen. Turning around in the chair, I saw Grant looking through the fridge. "Hey Grant." I greeted, smiling at him when our eyes met. 

He gave me a smirk in return, "You know, I heard everything you just said to Balto. I've seen how powerful you are, so his ass will most definitely be sorry. It's stupid of him to keep it up with this act, clearly you're not human." 

I shrugged my shoulders, "Don't really know what his deal is, don't really care either, but I did hope for some ass kicking. If you heard it all why didn't you join us?"

He sat down in front of me, "There was no need, you kept your own. Quite frankly, he was the one in the dirt constantly and that was one thing I enjoyed."

Grant really was a great friend of mine, he reminded me a lot of myself in some aspects, and I loved hearing his opinions on stuff happening in the pack. "It's just funny to me that he hates me so much, I think that's why I'm teasing him a little." 

"I don't think he hates you, Aspen. He's afraid because he can't reason with the things going on right now, and then he pounces as soon as he can doubt another person, it could literally be anyone, but this time it was you." Grant was honest with me and it made sense, Balto's job was to protect the pack and I wasn't a part of it. 

"You're probably right, but still, it's weird." I lifted one shoulder in wonder, "I have an excuse to be an ass though and who wouldn't want that?"

He laughed at my comment, "You sure are one of a kind."

"Yeah, sure I'm not human?" I teased with a cocked brow.

"Actually, now I'm doubting as well." He joked with a humored smile on his face. 

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