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(v.) to blur

My sweaty hands clenched and unclenched repeatedly, while my hammering heart was threatening to burst through my chest. Fleetingly, I looked around behind the trees, observing the entire pack, observing how Arrax was standing by the end waiting for me. We were going to complete the rituals together and I couldn't wait to be a part of this pack. It had been a long time coming. 

"Holy shit you're nervous, Asp. Breathe, please." Lilly said with a small laugh, she was hiding with me. Her and one of her girlfriends from school helped me get ready, my curls were cascading down my back in waves and the light makeup helped in hiding my heated cheeks. 

The dress was my favorite part of the outfit though, it had to flash purity and be a little see through. I chose a white dress, it wasn't too transparent, but you could sense my body underneath the layer of lace flowers. It enhanced my cleavage and flashed my shoulders, giving me a natural, but elegant vibe.

Feeling an intense gaze hitting me, I searched the crowd of werewolves and found Willow's curious eyes looking at me. When she realized I looked at her, she waved her hand quickly in the air, trying, but failing, at being discreet about it. Waving back, a laugh left my lips, her little greeting relaxing my body immediately. It would be fine.

"She's so innocent, I love it." Lilly said, a smile on her lips with a fondness for the little girl that had wormed herself into our hearts. 

Nodding and smiling, I looked at her telling her mom a story with extreme hand movements and such a liveliness to her eyes, "I adore her."

"I can see that, she's become quite important to you, hasn't she?"

Meeting Lilly's earnest eyes, "I don't even know how or when it happened, but her little soul was there from day one and I feel close to her after having had the honor of fighting next to her dad."

A smile met me by my words, "I get it."

As silence settled again, I searched the chattering crowd, they seemed buzzing and happy that we were doing this. It was insane to think about, never would I have imagined that a pack of this size would accept me. I was taught to keep it a secret from day one almost, I grew up knowing how much they feared and hated my kind. And yet here I was, the luckiest Aurelia in the world, quite literally actually.

Darkness slowly settled across the sky, the beautiful field darkening as a cold fog landed on top of the grass. It was horrible waiting like this, but we had to do it under a full moon, so that was exactly what we did. 

The moon slowly creeped upon the sky, casting a beautiful glow onto my mate. His thick hair styled to perfection, with the suit he was wearing I was already panting for his touch again. It was unique how both of us were barefoot, the entire pack was. 

"I can sense your panic from over here, baby. Just relax." His voice entered my mind, dulling my nerves to extremes and allowing me to breathe a sigh of relief. I was still hiding behind the tree, but his eyes were looking in this direction as a small smirk was grazing his handsome features. 

"We aren't supposed to talk, you know?" I retaliated with a smile in my voice. 

"It's time though, I had to tell you before you decided to hide out the entire night." He teased, I didn't get to react to his manners, before a nervous bile rose in my throat. My hands were clammy and I saw that Lilly had left my side, sitting down and waiting for me. 

It really was time.

Oh Goddess, I'm going to mess this up. 

"Aspen, breathe." He paused, "You can hear my heartbeat right? I know you can. Focus on that." 

He was right, I could hear his calming heartbeat. Focusing on that, matching my heart to his, I took the first step out. Revealing my body to all of them, hearing murmurs amongst the crowd, a pain in my gut filled me again. If I tripped or did something stupid, this would be written down in history. I would be the clumsiest Luna. 

"Focus, please, it's just us." He calmed me down completely, and I knew the eyes of the entire pack were on me. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my back and a small smile landed on my lips. This was our time and we deserved to enjoy every second of it. 

Slow footsteps as I came closer to my mate, the one I was destined to be with. He was it for me. His eyes glinted with happiness and I knew that mine looked the exact same, a big smile on his face and seeing him standing ready like that warmed my heart. He would be the one connecting me with the pack, it was honorable that my mate would be the one doing it, and a bloom of pride bursted in my chest. 

Daring to look around, I saw Willow and her mom smiling at me with fondness in their eyes. Lilly was standing at the very front with Grant, her eyes were welled up with tears and Grant was looking at me like a proud brother would've looked at his little sister. 

This was my family, these people were my home, Arrax was my life.

Taking that last step to my mate, his scent overtook my senses and calmed me down completely, making my heart sing in happiness. He grabbed my hand and twirled me around, admiring the dress, making the pack erupt in hearty laughs. This definitely wasn't a part of the routine, but I couldn't help the little laugh that left my lips either. He always managed to make me feel comfortable.

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