Chapter 3: The years after the pandemic

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3rd person POV

After being taken to the orphanage, Henry would often times, sit in his room, staring out the window or reading. After the house was inspected and proclaimed clean, Henry was allowed to go back for a day and grab some things. He had grabbed some of his clothes, some books, a couple things of Edward's for memory, then finally, he got a picture of his family all together. Henry slightly smiled, but soon packed it and placed it on the shelf when he returned to the orphanage. 

The leaders of the orphanage always tried to get him to play with the other children, all his time there they tried, but he always refused. Henry kept his grades up in school, then he quickly got a job as an apprentice to a scientist. Henry did well and was paid well, though he always had the burning rage in his soul to avenge his parents. Whoever killed them would be killed and maybe even tortured before death.

Most kids were raised to be good children, find good jobs, and were given good morals. But not Henry. Henry was always taught these things, but his rage and fury refused it. Henry only knew how to feel happy and proud within himself. By the age of 16, Henry took more medical and medical sciences classes. He was the smartest young man in his school. Though, the older he got, the worse he became on the inside. Henry also learned how to pickpocket by 16, and began doing that when he passed people. He was caught once or twice, but that was a few moments after he had done it. Henry learned to realize when he had done a bad job, so whenever he realized this, he would bend over with the object in his hand and stand as the person had looked behind them, making Henry look like he had only just picked it up. 

"Excuse me sir, I believe you dropped this." Henry would say, then return it. Always getting away with an attempt.

Edward on the other hand... Edward was doing alright in his classes. He didn't get all A's like Henry, but he got a few A's and mostly B's. Edward had learned to pickpocket by 14, but wasn't very good at it. Edward was better at doing magic tricks than pickpocket-ting, so on occasion he would pickpocket, but most of the time he would do a magic trick on the street, then run before the victims could even realize what had happened. 

Edward had also had the chance to return to the house and take a few things, but the two never met each other. All they remembered was their father saying to never forget each other. Edward also had that burning rage to kill the murderer(s) of his parents. He vowed that even if it was a second from death, he would kill the person or people. Edward had gone to the hospital they were in several times asking how his parents were murdered. But all they could tell him was that they were brutally stabbed. No one knows how they got in or out, they couldn't find any evidence of the murder and so many people were in that hospital that they couldn't inspect everyone. Edward was always angry at the responses, but to seem like he wasn't vengeful or gone mad, he always just replied with, "Okay, thank you for your help." Then he would leave peacefully.

By 19, Henry finally decided to move back into his original house. When he was 12, he made a deal with the owner to slowly pay him off for the property by working hard, then by 19 he finally paid it off. In exchange, the owner kept the place clean and off the market, so only Henry could have it unless he decided to house others. Then 19 years old was when he paid off the owner. The house was all his. Henry said goodbye to the orphanage leaders and moved in. 

As Henry was looking around, he found an old document that was written by his father, Henry discovered that his father had written him a number to go to the bank with. Apparently there was money in there for him, so Henry rushed to the bank and gave them the document. When they looked at the account, they came back with saying that his father had made him his own and had put quite a bit in there. Then Henry had a curious thought. "I have a question. Did my father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jekyll, have accounts here?" 

"They did sir."

"Can I, can I move that money to my account? They passed away during the pandemic."

"I would need proof of their death papers."

"I have them here." Henry pulled out the papers and handed them to the man. He confirmed them, then nodded in acknowledgement. After a moment, the money was transferred from both into his account. Looking at the check that Henry was given to show the transactions and end amount amazed him. Henry was rich! He had enough money to live forever without a job! But that wasn't his intention. Though he cherished the amount greatly.

A few weeks later, Henry was walking along the street one morning. Looking ahead of him he saw another, the man looked shady enough so Henry awaited an attack. As the other passed he slipped his hand into Henry's pocket, Henry expected this, so he took the man's arm and slammed him against the wall, the other was surprised at the skill. Henry stared into his eyes for a second, and recognized something, so he played it off as if he was just paranoid and took the man into the alleyway, then slammed him against the wall again. 

"Who are you? Why did you possibly think you could pickpocket me?!" Henry asked.

"Whoa man I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" 

"You're right, you won't! Now tell me your name!" Henry brought him a little forward, then slammed him against the wall again.

"Agh!! J-Jekyll! E-Edward Jekyll! Now would you stop?!" Edward asked angrily.

Henry took a second, then let go of Edward in shock.. "E-Edward?..." He asked. Henry didn't know how to react.

"Yes?.. who are you?"

"Henry.. Edward it's me! Henry Jekyll!"

It was Edward's turn to be shocked, they both stare at each other.

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