Chapter 12: Code

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3rd person POV

Edward and Henry take the note and thank the ladies at the front, then return home to look through the old documents of their father. Both of them look for hours, finding documents that were too old or too new.

Edward comes into the room with some tea for the two, he hands a cup to Henry.

"Thank you." Henry gestures. Edward nods, then sits on the floor next to Henry.

"Have you found anything?"

"No, the only female I've seen him write about is Ma.."

"Ughhh, I loved Papa but why couldn't he mark things? Sometimes it's nice to see specifics." Edward takes a sip of his tea.

"I understand Edward. But it can't be far, the only other thing would be that he didn't write about it. But considering what he did write about, I thought he would've."

"Yeah.." Edward looks around the room, sort of thinking, then returns his gaze to in front of him. Edward picks up a fairly long document. He skims through it, until he sees the last page. Many numbers lie on the last page.
"5, 11, 13, 19, 28... Henry have you seen this?" Edward shows the page in Henry's direction.

"I have. I looked at those numbers for at least 20 minutes but could find no value to them. I've tried finding patterns of every sort but there is none."

"That's odd.." Edward places the document next to him, then picks up another one at random. He begins reading. Once he's finished that document, he reads another. Then another, another, another, until Edward finally goes to a drawer and grabs another one. "Hm, hm, hm..." Edward sort of mimics his father for a moment for the document, mainly because he's frustrated he can't find the answers. "There are many things going for me in my life," Edward mimics, Henry stops and listens for a moment with a smile at Edward's impression of his father. "I have my wife, my kids, Henry and Edward. Oh what wonderful joys they are! Even dear friends of mine. Though I have a trouble, a rather deep trouble with one and now I hide words within my documents." Edward slows to read carefully now. "I now use a code to write to him and the code is with numbers. I don't know how long this will last but I know that one day it will be discovered. Numbers to words.. What on earth does he mean by that?"

"I understand... I understand what he means! Papa meant the whatever number he wrote, was the number of word."
Henry takes the pages and underlines all the words that their father meant to be read as.
"Here we are."

Edward goes to Henry and looks at the pages, then Henry reads it.

"Let's see..
'My good sir, I have not taken your girl, as of money, I don't have much more to give to you. No more than a few pounds. It is very unfortunate that your girl has gone missing, but I promise you that I offered many times to take her home, she insisted that she walk alone to make sure her thoughts were in order and she promised that she'd be safe as her house was not far. For Heaven's sake you only live a block down! Knowing where you live, I trusted her to get home safe. I even followed her a few times to make sure she was safe! There is no possible way to blame me for the unfortunate happenings that you've been going through.'
A block down doesn't tell us which way, but I think we could go either. How about tomorrow, I'll go left and you right?"

"That sounds like a plan. Whoever this is killed our parents, I'm going to make sure they're avenged."

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