Chapter Twenty Four

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Blaines POV

"You looked awfully happy with yourself walking into the clearing earlier" Anna commented with a smirk, looking at me as if she knew exactly why I had walked into my lesson with a huge grin on my face.

A slight blush appeared on my cheeks as they warmed up at the memory of the most amazing kiss I'd ever experienced. I honestly hadn't seen it coming, but when Xavier took that final step towards me, making him my sole focus, I couldn't help but lean into it. My lips started buzzing again at the memory and I brought my fingers up to touch my lips, confirming that they were still there and hadn't melted off from the shere heat that was coming off my skin.

"I know that look!" Anna squealed as she happily jumped up and down causing the warriors around us to look over, confused as to what their Alpha and Beta female were so excited about.

"Shh would you? I don't need the whole pack knowing about my business" I hissed as I grabbed her hand to stop her continuously happy dancing.

"I'm sorry I am just way too excited, I have been praying to the Moon Goddess for weeks now for you two to get together and now it's finally happened. You know people were starting to question whether Xavier would ever man up and acknowledge you as his mate. I mean I know he's introduced you as his and for all intents and purposes you are already a member of this pack and the Beta female but you know as well as I do that we can never make it one hundred percent official until he marks you and in return you him."

I rolled my eyes and ran my hand over my hair. No matter how many times I re-tied it or how much hairspray I used the curls and frizz would always find a way to break free and run wild, springing up in ten different directions. "You know it was just as much me as it was him, I could have easily made the first move" I shrugged as I smiled down at the grinning girl in front of me, her smile to infectious not to share.

She rolled her eyes at me and playfully shoved my shoulder with a grunt "we all know it was going to have to be Xavier who made the first move, after all he was the one with the problem, not you".

We walked up to a sparring mat and waited for our turn, Jax had asked me to train Anna specifically today, making sure she was well prepared for whatever would be thrown at us. "True" I replied with a nod "but I wasn't exactly all for it in the beginning either" I reminded her, after all I had run off as soon as I realised who Xavier was to me.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Anna sighed as she rolled her eyes again, having no response.

"Girls you're up!" A warrior yelled and when I looked up I saw that the mat we had been queueing for was now vacant.

I signalled that we had heard him and gestured for Anna to lead on as we both took the two steps up and into the boxing style ring. There were loads of them spread out across the field, at least twenty of them, and they were a great training platform to teach. It gave the fighters enough room to move without having to worry about people accidentally stumbling into their ring. The floor was made with a slight spring to them so that it wouldn't bruise as much when you were thrown to the floor and the height advantage meant spectators could watch and learn without getting in the way.

I turned and faced Anna, who was bouncing on the balls of her feet on the opposite end of the ring. We had both taken our shoes off and without the extra inch her shoes sole gave her she looked tiny. I would have second guessed fighting her if I hadn't already seen what she was capable of, she may be small but she definitely knew her way around a ring.

"Now remember what I told you earlier, rogues fight dirty and they will exploit any and every weakness they find so the trick is to always keep them moving. The more time they have to observe you the more chance they have of finding your weak spots" I explained as I bent my knees slightly into a fighting pose. "It could be something as simple as which foot you lead with, for example for me my weak spot would be my left knee, I injured it a few years back and it never quite healed right. You can tell it's my weak leg because I have placed it ever so slightly behind me, making sure your eye is drawn to my dominant leg, my right one".

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