Chapter Twenty Seven

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I cringed as I heard Sarah crying in the hall down from where I sat, her friends offering her moral support as they waited for Henry to come out of his second surgery. If I had just anticipated the rogues moves, done my job instead of focusing on my mate, then maybe Henry would be here right now and not in a room unconscious whilst the doctors tried to fix him.

I just hoped he made it.

Blaine's POV

The first thing that I noticed was the noise, the irritating beeping sound right beside my right ear, that confirmed to me where I was... in the hospital.

What happened?

The last thing I remember was... the rogue attack? Maybe? I felt like something big had happened, something that I really should remember, but for the life of me I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Blaine?" I heard a voice whisper not to far away from me. I frowned as I tried to open my eyes and see who it was but groaned as soon as the light entered the small slits in between my eyelids, burning my retinas. I cringed and went to lift my arm up and cover my eyes, hoping to shield them from the bright sunlight that was undoubtedly streaming in through the open blinds, but I only got my arm up a short distance before it was tugged backwards with a sharp tug.

I peeked through my eyelids and spoted my arm half elevated but restricted from movement by a tube feeding an IV drip onto my body that was attached to my left hand with a bandage wrapped around it to help prevent the needle from being ripped out. Great, looks like I'll be on more bed rest.

"Blaine are you awake?" The voice asked again and I looked to my left where I saw Anna sitting on my bed and holding my hand, the one without the needles, tubes and bandages attached.

I frowned at her for a second, my brain still trying to catch up with itself and figure out what she was saying but when it did I gave her a short nod to confirm that I was.

"Oh thank you Goddess" she muttered under her breath as she looked up to the ceiling slightly. "We have all been so worried about you Blaine, no one knew when you were going to wake up, if you were going to wake up, after the amount of head trauma you sustained" she sighed as she reached up and wiped a single tear from her cheek.

"What happened?" I asked her, eager to fill in the blanks in my memory. Something just wasn't sitting right with me and I just had to find out what it was.

"Umm... I'm not quite sure, Xavier hasn't spoken much since he found you and we can't seem to get anything out of him. He's pretty shook up" Anna explained as she looked down at my hand in hers, looking sad for a whole different reason.

I looked around the room, expecting to see him passed out on the rooms lumpy sofa or something but when I came up empty I frowned. He was never away from me last time I was in the hospital and that was when I was conscious and doing fine, why wasn't he here now?

As if sensing my confusion at his absence Anna sighed and squeezed my hand in reassurance. "More often than not he's here, sleeps on the sofa at night just like last time, he just needs to get away every now and then, when it gets to much for him. He's taken everything pretty hard and goes for a run or patrols the border when he can, it helps him to feel like he's helping" she shrugs.

I nodded and tried to speak but cringed as my voice came out all scratchy, god my throat felt like I smoked twenty packs a day.

"I'll go and get you some ice chips to sooth your throat" Anna smiled at me when she noticed me cringe at the weird noise I'd just made.

I smiled up to her in gratitude as she released my hand, silently thanking her for the thought.

"I'll be back in a second" she informed me before leaving my room and walking down the corridor, leaving my door slightly ajar.

The Beta and his mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن